5:45 Results
Well, it's down to the last hours, and before I post the 5:45 results, I'd like to post these thank you's that have come in from the boys. They do appreciate all you've been doing, and they want you to know it.
From Kaysar:
I would like to publicly show my gratitude by letting everyone know that your love has not and will not go unnoticed. Whether you have expressed your support since last season, just stumbled upon this season's Big Brother, voted once, or voted several times over... I would like to thank each and every one of you.
This has been a phenomenal experience thus far. I hope to continue this journey and make this another memorable summer.
Many Thanks,
From James:
Hey Everyone. Today is the last day of voting and as well as pushing everyone to keep voting, I also want to thank you for your time and effort.
The support that I've received has been overwhelming and I could never thank everyone enough. If I make it in the house someone else will be running my myspace. Up until now it's only been me, I think you deserve answers from me and not some Admin or Mod. So keep voting and thank you.
From Howie:
Dear Hurricane Howie Fans,
Your votes, your chats, your thoughts are greatly appreciated! I can't say or express how much I endear all of your support! But I will show you UNLIMITED gratification if I get back into the Big Brother 7 House! My enthusiastic, passionate, over the top and outrageous behavior will be all for YOU! Hope to see, talk and chat with all of you when Julie tells Beefcake/Hurricane/Jedi Howie and America/World the good news that "Howie you are the winner of Big Brother 7"!
Jedi BB-6 and hopefully BB-7 Howie

And now, the 5:40 vote tally...
TOTAL: 372,936,895
KAYSAR - 9.9%
HOWIE - 9.3%
MICHAEL - 8.4%
JAMES - 8.1%
DIANE - 7.5%
ERIKA - 6.6%
WILL - 6.6%
NAKOMIS - 6.3%
LISA - 5.6%
ALISON - 3.5%
JASE - 3.3%
MIKE - 1.8%
MONICA - 1.7%
BUNKY - 1.1%
DANA - 0.9%
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