BB7Dish - Ya Just Can't Get Enough

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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Chat with James

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI just got word from James that he's hosting a chat tomorrow night. You can join him Sunday night, June 25th at 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern on

He's very friendly and open in these chats, so I strongly recommend tuning in and saying hello.. and whatever else is on your mind. Got a burning question that wont undermine his gameplay? Give him a shout! :)

He was on last night and someone hacked it trying to stop the chat... Sunday night should be just as interesting.


Blogger Carla said...

James?! Tell me when I can chat with Kaysar or Howie again!!

1:44 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

hehehehe... as soon as i get word from either of them, you'll know!

1:55 AM  

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