BB7Dish - Ya Just Can't Get Enough

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Monday, June 26, 2006

Party with James

If you're in Chicago... or somewhere nearby, James is having a going away party tonight. Incase you're mistakenly thinking our dear James is a little over confident, (like i was!!) read this message from him.

** Update **
Per James:

"Voting ends on the 28th!I'm having a party tonight because I don't know when BB will come to get me.If you watched the show you know all 20 of us will be outside and only 12 will go in.* so yes, keep voting till the 28th at midnight. ThanksJames"

Thanks for the comment, James. :) You heard him, James fans: Keep on voting till the 28th at midnight!! All the links you need for autovoting are on the left side of the blog.

Here's the Invite:

Going Away Party Tonight at Cabaret

15 W. Hubbard St. in Downtown Chicago! Doors open at 9pm.

IMAGE Chicago is throwing the party, come out and party with us one last time before I head into the Big Brother House. See you there...James

And after you've had a day to detox your blood supply..... Wednesday the 28th LifeSource, Chicago Lands Blood Source, and James will be doing a Blood Drive in Skokie.

The Address is: 4959 Rolf Road, Skokie ILL 60077.
The Time: From 1pm - 6pm

James will be there handing out autographed pictures to everyone that comes to donate.

"Let's do some good with this Campaigning Effort! Come out and save a life on Wednesday the 28th!" - so sayeth the lord of the veto...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All 20 HG will be in front of the house... not just me. So no "over confidence", just protocol.

12:56 PM  

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