Midnight Voting Tally

And the Scores for our dear HGs for today, Saturday June 24th are...
From Cybonica.com (where you can vote in about 150 windows at a time)
Vote Totals: (13,597,314 Total Votes @ Cybonica.com)
Howie 1,963,596 14.44% -Woah!! Way to take the lead, Howie!
Kaysar 1,688,319 12.42%
Janelle 1,575,438 11.59%
Nakomis 971,524 7.14%
George 845,573 6.22%
Danielle 795,717 5.85%
Erika 788,729 5.80%
Diane 780,975 5.74%
Ivette 631,308 4.64%
Will 628,607 4.62%
Boogie 489,878 3.60%
James 489,041 3.60%
Bunky 358,955 2.64%
Michael 308,337 2.27%
Monica 307,718 2.26%
Lisa 277,159 2.04%
Marcellas 231,999 1.71%
Jase 225,445 1.66%
Alison 147,992 1.09%
Dana 91,004 0.67%
And from novati.ca...
KAYSAR votes 494579 - 8.9% -And Kaysar in the Lead here... Finally overtaking James!
JAMES votes 488730 - 8.8%
NAKOMIS votes 470620 - 8.4%
JANELLE votes 469035 - 8.4%
HOWIE votes 465281 - 8.3%
DANIELLE votes 446909 - 8%
ERIKA votes 399509 - 7.2%
WILL votes 360017 - 6.5%
LISA votes 269096 - 4.8%
MICHAEL votes 254749 - 4.6%
DIANE votes 249652 - 4.5%
GEORGE votes 241843 - 4.3%
IVETTE votes 187837 - 3.4%
MARCELLAS votes 181819 - 3.3%
DANA votes 170013 - 3.1%
ALISON votes 114018 - 2%
JASE votes 102757 - 1.8%
MIKE votes 80910 - 1.5%
MONICA votes 74238 - 1.3%
BUNKY votes 50646 - 0.9%
TOTAL: 5572258
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