Wow! We're Half-way!
To mark the occasion of the half way point of Big Brother 7 All Stars, BB threw a party for the houseguests. They were served pizza, wine, and a cake with all the HGs pictures on it. BB also supplied the HGs with music. George was allowed to celebrate and eat, too!!We all know how the wine affects the HGs, so what other than a food fight was to be expected. At least they took it to the backyard! There is food in the pool and all over the yard. BB calls an end to the party.
Erika: I guess the party's over.
James: I guess we're done with the pool for the summer.
Marcellas is whining because the boys are never punished for what they do, yet the rest of the house has to suffer.
Poor George is cleaning a mess from the kitchen floor. Good thing they keep him around!
A couple pics from the party...

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