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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

6ers Strategy


Kaysar, Janey and James

Janelle is reporting back to the guys... all the info from the meeting a few minutes ago with Will and Boogie. Rather that putting the meeting and the recap here, I'm just going with the re-cap, so we get the guy's reactions...

Jan: Boogie says, "yeah if Will or I get HOH, we are putting up season 6." They say they are putting up Howie, but yeah right.

James: Yeah... but you can see when you get on Will's nerves, and you could see tonight that Howie was getting on his last nerve... If Boogie goes, Will and Jase both flip. Jase is ready to flip already because he can see whats going on around him.

Jan: He is seeing that he picked the wrong team to begin with...people who want to not really be here...and make it a good tv show.

James: All they are doing is putting a big targets on their heads. Marcellas is pissed.
James: I wouldn't be surprised if Marcellas takes this HOH and puts Will and Boogie up.

Janey: Marcellas is so pissed. He is so irritated...


James: I'm an asshole, and I am not like this out of the house... but only in the game.
James: I am finding out that Jase is the same person he was in season 5, and I thought he was so cool and genuine. I thought, he is a floater, fine, let him float. He could sit back there, be that nice guy he was in the first week. Instead, he found his Scott times 2, and it sucks because I thought he was genuine.

Janey: Marc is like anti-Will, Anti-George, Anti-Boogie. The guy knows the game so well. Boogie said, "I don't understand the whole Howie attacking Kaysar," you attacking Kaysar after winning the HOH. Boo Hoo. They are just bitter because they haven't won an HOH.

Kaysar: When you see people start complaining, things get even more weird around here....

James: The thing is, they weren't even on the radar. Give Will what he wants...let him hang until right before sequester. The dumbest thing they ever did was bring in other alliance members.

Kaysar: They are paranoid.

James: then take your 6 pack of beers and take your DOR

Janey: 6 people havent eaten right, 6 people don't have alcohol. (Talking about they want to make it a good TV show) I'm sorry we don't want to party with you.

James: How about if next time they come up here you just dont let them in?

Janey: I will let them in, and then I'll just lie to them again.

James: Thank God... I knew you would come over to the dark side. It's ok on Big Brother to lie to your enemies.
James: You know how we could kill Jase? Put him in the bathroom with mirrors and turn off the lights.

Kaysar: Why does he like to look at himself alot?

James: He is a bigger narcicist than Will. I caught him putting on baby oil on his body to make himself glisten. You know why they are scared of me? Because Boogie was saying that this guy on season 6 was just like Will. He called Will to tell him he needs to watch BB...there is a guy on there just like you.

Janey: Yeah he said James will be the first one to jump from your alliance.

Kaysar asks James to help him shave his neck. James says okay, but he will kill him if this gets onto the internet.
James: I can't believe I'm shaving another mans neck.
James: (to Janey)Does this look even to you?
James: Do we have any lotion up here that isn't girly-girl?
James: (helping Kaysar shave)...... I'm hoping this doesn't get on the internet

Janelle: They kept saying that you (James) would be the first one to jump ship and switch sides as soon as someone else gets power. I just sat there and said "yep, youre probably right, uh-huh."

RED ROOM - Nakomis, Diane and Marcellas

Nakomis: (talking about Ali) I was sitting here, and she was just sitting here talking, and I fell asleep. She said do you want to go spy on someone? I thought, she has mental issues!

Diane: Yes she was dancing around and stuff, being all happy, but you could tell that she had gone nuts.

Nak: Everything seems really cool until the sun goes down. Once the sun goes down, this house goes nuts. Everyone starts scheming. It upsets people.

Marcellas: I take my oatmeal up to the room to get away from everyone, but then BAM here come Janelle and Kaysar. And Jase was talking to Will and Boogie about opening a bar in Decatur. Like those boys are going to Decatur to open a bar.

Diane: Jase is working any angle he can get his hands on.

Marcellas:... and Howie is just not bright enough to win any competitions. He is just stupid. Even at the end, if he stays to the end, no one is going to vote for him. There is alot of that in this house. The all-stars vs. the one trick pony. I just dont want... I feel like James is gonna get upset, cause Will and Boogie are going after Howie... I just don't want James to get in a fight.

Diane: I dont think there will be.


James: I don't even think that BB knows that I am in this game. The cameras just follow Janelle and Kaysar around...
Janelle comes out of the bathroom into HOH and the camera follows her
James:See what I mean?

James: I think we have to get rid of Boogie first.
Janelle agrees.
Janey: Boogie's the one that goes around putting ideas into people's heads.
James: He is just an overaged rapper, but it would be fun to hang out with outside of the house.

James: I'm going to talk to Will and Boogie tomorrow and ask 'why Jase is there?' I'm going to tell them that Jase needs to leave, unless he is a part of their alliance. I'll say, if he is a part of your alliance, then fine, he can stay...I'll say I'm here to make a deal with the whole alliance, not just part of it.

Janelle: They've been trying to work the whole "You can come work for us" angle too. James: THey've tried that with me too.
Janelle: They told me I could make 300-400 dollars a night, I was just like "Sure, b*tch". I would never work for 400 dollars a night.
James: For a bartender, that would be pathetic money in Miami.


BACK TO HOH crew- Janelle, James, and Kaysar

James: We need to put Boogie up first.
They all agree.
Kaysar: We have to be careful, even if we only lie to chilltown... if we say it in front of anyone else, it can come back against us later, and people might think that if we will lie to chilltown we might lie to anyone.

James: If Will cared about his alliance, he would have shut Boogie up a long time ago.
They all agree that every time Will puts a beer in Boogies hand, he is handing Boogie more rope to hang himself with.
James: Will did the same thing to Boogie on their season. Will is selling Boogie out, allowing him to hang himself the way he is.

James: I'm so impressed with Howie.
He was in the backyard today watching Howie get under Will's skin today, and he doesnt think that Will usually has anyone do that to him. They agree that Will and Boogie are so full of themselves, they thought everyone in the house was going to be so impressed with them, but now that they are there, they see that's not quite the situation.

Still HOH ROOM - now with Kaysar, James, Janey, Howie and Marcellas
James:(to Marcellas) How are Di and Nak taking it?

Marc: They're fine.

James:Do you still want to get rid of Diane?

Marcellas: Yeah but then she said that she would put up Will and Boogie no problem.

James: Yeah but thats because her alliance is with Jase. And when I asked him about who he wants to get rid of, he said "Burn the witch"

Marcellas: who is that?

James: Nakomis...she has all the pagan tatoos. I think this is a great season so far.

Marcellas: Di wants to stay. She said she's not after anyone but Will and Boogie.

James: Nakomis said the same thing to me. She also is behind getting out Chicken George.

Marcellas: Diane also said that... She also said she doesnt want to see Chicken George get further in this game then she does. I feel the same way.

Janelle and Howie now walk in....

Janey: So Will said he was going after you Howie.

Howie: He said the same thing to me last week, like he is going to win an HOH.

Marcellas and Janey both say they want to go after Chicken George next week.

Marcellas - There is a side of me that says go after Jase first Jase was super duper cool, but all of a sudden he fell in with them, and became a frat boy again. Now what I think we are going to get is... he is going to realize that I F'd up, and try to get back in. And I don't like that he went downstairs and told Mike Boogie word for word what I said about Mike Boogie.

James: He did the same thing to me. I will lie to his face that I won't put him up, and then do it. The moment you betray me, I will lie to your face...

Janelle: He is their little lap dog...following them around....

Marcellas: That's neither here nor there... that wasn't giving away any of my strategy. When he did that, I didn't understand what he was getting out of that. We had conversations about jockeying... being the 5th of the 4... maybe he felt threatened by me.

Marcellas: So do we get rid of Will or Boogie?

James: We get rid of Boogie cause he is the mouth. When Boogie is gone, Jase will have a meltdown. Boogie is trying to out play Will this season.

Marcellas: They aren't capable of winning events.

Howie: Their game may have worked on BB2... this is BB all stars.


Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

I agree with you on everything but the sexy part. ;) Too pasty for me, and his inside is so ugly, it shows through... for me.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

4:58 PM  

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