Weight Room - Will & Boogie
Will: I am afraid Janelle is playing me as much as I am playing her..
Boogie: Don't worry. She'll leave before us me!
Red Room - George & Marcellas
George: Just in case, Marci. Just in case.

Thanks for making our first foray into blogworld such a success! September 1st, we passed 100,000 visits to the blog - unreal. In the beginning, we were thrilled to have 150 in a day, and now we're averaging 4-5,000. We couldn't have done it without all your support. :) We'll be here blogging till the very end, and then we'll get started on the Survivor and TAR blogs... Please check the sidebar for those links.
I didn't see this. What was happening?
boogie and will strategizing... no new info really...
just a good quotable. least, i'm hoping. i'll be so bummed if boogie won the coup and uses it to evict janie tonight.
Wow, Will. Do you think??!! lol
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