The Full Interview
Here's Janelle's full interview with TheSlug:Nooooooooooooo! Janelle Pierzina, the houseguest The Slug officially endorsed as America's Choice back in June, was the final person evicted from the "Big Brother 7: All Stars" house last night after she failed to win the final Head of Household competition. That leaves Mike "Boogie" Malin and his bedmate Erika Landin as the final two players to vie for jury votes Tuesday. Our weepy post-eviction interview with our favoritest player ever after the jump.
LISTEN: What would've happened if Dr. Will kissed Janelle on the lips?
The Slug: Hi Janelle. How are you?
Janelle Pierzina: Hi Derrik. I'm great. How are you?
TS: I'm not very good.
JP: You're not?
TS: I'm very upset. You got evicted!
JP: I'm sorry. I couldn't do it again.
TS: Yes. As you may or may not remember after this crazy summer, you were officially endorsed by me at the very beginning of the season.
JP: Yeah, no. I remember you. Of course.
TS: What happened? What went wrong?
JP: It was completely my fault. The last competition was a fluke. Whatever. I switched hands. So I couldn't compete in the final. The other competition was the car suspended from the air or whatever. That was a physical competition. There was no way I could beat that. It was kind of geared toward a male, I think. Whatever. I knew I was toast.
TS: Well, you did make a power play there at the end and win back a lot of respect, I think. What happened with Will? Was that all game? Did you really have feelings for him?
JP: I think it started out as game. Obviously after Howie left, I knew I kinda needed him. I think for him he was all game and toward the end, I think because we had spent so much time together, I was starting to get a little bit of feelings for him. We couldn't really talk about it because we didn't want it on the Internet. You know what I mean? It was weird. We couldn't talk about it. But yeah, I had feelings for him.
TS: What did you see in him?
JP: Who knows? It was the environment. In the house, you get to know people so well. There's even family members I don't spend that much time with. I think being in the house with someone for three days is equivalent to dating someone for three months. It's just so intense because you're always together. I liked him as a person. I thought he was funny. He was really smart. He interested me.
TS: Why did it take you and Erika so long to figure out you were being played by Chill Town?
JP: There were several indications. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I started to realize it when I put "Chicken" George and Erika up and Boogie was not voted out and "Chicken" George was. I think it took us so long because the boys had pinned us so far against each other. I was hating her in the game. For me, I just wanted to hang out with Will and didn't want to see anyone else in the house. And he kept it that way. He never left me alone. So I never talked to Erika. The game was over for me so it didn't matter for me to spill a few secrets. I asked her if Chill Town asked her to be a part of Chill Town and she said "Yes!" and that's when we realized it.
TS: If things had gone further with you and Will, would you have taken him to the end?
JP: Obviously, I was targeting Boogie for several weeks. I think if I would've gotten Boogie out, I probably would've taken Will to the final two. I wouldn't have had another target.
TS: Why didn't y'all get rid of Chill Town earlier? Everyone knew they were a threat.
JP: We knew they were aligned. We could've gotten rid of them in the end. And in the end I would've been dealing with Nakomis and Jase. You can only take people out one at a time. And I think at that time, competition-wise, Nakomis was a bigger threat — and so was Jase, who's, you know, psycho. The thing is we didn't want the floaters to float. We wanted them to play.
TS: Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently?
JP: I would've got rid of Boogie week six. Instead of putting Marcellas up, I would've put him up. I could've said I was putting him up as a pawn. I'm sure the guys in my alliance would've much rather gotten rid of him. That was a huge, stupid mistake for not putting Boogie up.
TS: How do you feel about going into sequester?
JP: It's really sad. I don't really get to go see my houseguests. They're making me stay in a hotel room by myself. I really wanted to go see Will and Howie and Marcellas and hang out with them. They're not gonna let me see them until the round-table where we ask the final two questions.
TS: Since you basically witnessed everything that happened, what are you going to say to the jury?
JP: I think I'm going to discuss with the jury what Erika and I had discovered. I don't know who I'm voting for yet. It's 50/50. I don't know who I want to try and persuade the jury to vote for. I want to vote for the best player.
TS: How does it feel to be evicted at the same point in the game as you were before?
JP: I have mixed feelings about it. To make final three with the huge target on my back was extremely hard so I feel proud. But getting third place? It's not fun. You don't get any money. You know what I mean? It's so close. It's just like I was last year. I guess everything happens for a reason.
TS: Well, Janelle. Thanks for answering my questions. I was rooting for you all summer. It's sad, but it was fun that my official endorsement got this far.
JP: I know, right? That's awesome. Thank you for your support.
TS: You're welcome. You didn't really need my help.
i was just on the bb website on cbs and they have a jury vote for the viewers. It also said that our vote would be the tie breaker.. But that doesnt make sense there can't be a tie because of the 7 evictees... right?
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