Thanks for making our first foray into blogworld such a success! September 1st, we passed 100,000 visits to the blog - unreal. In the beginning, we were thrilled to have 150 in a day, and now we're averaging 4-5,000. We couldn't have done it without all your support. :) We'll be here blogging till the very end, and then we'll get started on the Survivor and TAR blogs... Please check the sidebar for those links.
Reality Check
Just a little trip down memory lane to last summer, and all the romantic hopes from the feeders for Kaysar and Janelle - and that was without the hardcore flirt game. ;) Whatever happens to Janelle and her men: may they remain the best of friends... Check this one out... it's a great way to put things into perspective.
"So Much for My Happy Ending"
why when i come to your site to see videos ..i never can get them to work? whats up with that???
i have no idea. i just emptied my cache and refreshed and checked the last 15 videos posted, and all are fine (with the exception of one that was removed and noted). Perhaps you could check your settings as well.
They always work for me...
My favorite 2 BigBrother houseguests..
Janie and Kaysar are so cute together but after spending so much time with
Janie and Will these last several weeks I think they have more chemistry and make such a beautiful couple..
I cant wait to see what happens with these 2...
Thank you so much for the wonderful videos, this is truly an amazing site, so much work has been put into this and I appreciate everything that has been done.
You're right Janelle is the true Big Brother Winner.
thank you again.
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