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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Veto Scoop

The Scoop on the Veto Comp

Apparently, the Veto Competition was all about "How Much is this Veto Comp Worth to You?" And from the outcome, it appears some gave all. George, Jase and Kaysar willingly dunked themselves in vats of extremely stain inducing blueberry sauce.

Much more serious in terms of game play, George and Kaysar both gave up competing for the Power of Veto next week, and then in a dramatic move, both Kay and George shaved their heads.

George won the Veto Comp by agreeing to eat slop for 60 days, the duration of his stay on Big Brother. Having already witnessed firsthand the effect of the slop on his closest alliance, Kaysar offered to eat slop for 20 - a rather heroic move for his alliance, but it unfortunately fell short of winning the veto comp for them.

Will didn't try very hard at all in the Comp, and James is beyond angry.

James believes that this Challenge was designed by the producers specifically to keep George in the Game, as it's the only type of comp George could have ever won against the other competitors. James has been ranting that this isn't a game, it's a tv show, and the producers are manipulating it to oust the contestants they want to get rid of, and keep people like George. James went on to say that the next HoH will probably be a Belly Flop contest so George can win that and nominate Kaysar and himself.

It's James' belief that BB wants to oust Will, because he's not giving them what they had hoped for, in terms of crafty play - and Will spends most of his time griping and cursing at the people behind the walls.

As far as the Season 6ers see it, if George wins HoH next week, it will be the same as when Maggot won the Bocci Ball comp in BB6 - designed specifically for the player in question to win, since he/she has a known specialty in the game.


Blogger Carla said...

What a sore loser! Get over it James!

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with James, it seems like the producers want Chicken George to stay because the viewers respond to him, and Will isn't giving them what they had hoped for.

It's been known to happen before...

7:53 AM  
Blogger Carla said...

James could have easily taken the deal to shave his head or eat slop. CBS does not control THAT!!

6:14 PM  

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