BB7Dish - Ya Just Can't Get Enough

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They're Re-Running the Feeds!

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Christmas in August

The feeds came back in for a couple minutes just now... they're doing a bit of in and out now... Sounds like Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie) was Santa... All the HGs seem very happy and they're carrying gifts, so it looks like Christmas was a good thing for them, after all. No great caps, but this new chop certainly works well.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here's the very latest...
11:25am BBT
DINING ROOM - Everyone but Dani, who's off moping
Will: Janelle, I was kinda ignored yesterday. WIll you flirt with me a lot today?
Janelle: Oh, yah. My flirting game will be strong to quite strong.
Will: Girls, please join me in the trampoline so I can fulfill a lifelong fantasy...

hehe.. gonna be a fun one on the feeds...

BB: (sounds like an AD's voice actually) Just a reminder guys, the electronic devices you got for xmas... (FLAMES)

Will is trying to get Erika and Janie to jump on the trampoline in lingerie with him.
Will: Janelle, you don't think I'm attracted to you or Erika, do you?
Janelle: No.
Will: Good, cause I could sleep naked in between the two of you, and nothing would happen.
    ***lol... ok, not strategy, but it's gonna be a fun day. Thank goodness!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, just discovered this site b/c somebody linked a video that was here. In reading, I came across several of my photochops that you have used. I had no idea they were posted over here so it was a pleasant surprise - thanks for being a fan of my work!


3:16 AM  

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