HoH Comp SetUp
The art department's nearly all set up for the HoH competition, and production's getting into gear with a run through, complete with production assistants acting as stand-ins...And they're showing us on the feeds... which is pretty surprising.
Actually this has been the most flame free Thursday yet. Sweet.
- ***ok PA's, which one of you is the regular here?
Fess up.
Don't Will and James look great as women? ;) I guess eye-line's aren't so important on this show...
Anyhow, the comp looks like a doozy! Check out the photos below.

Since the "botch" from the last HOH comp, the producers are making sure that we are watching "them" practice....FINALLY....i feel if they advertise "24/7" that is what we should get since we are paying for "24/7".
just my opinion....
DENi from Philly, PA
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