Janie & Will 11:45p-12:30a
11:45pm - 12:30am BBTRED ROOM - Janie & Will
They were going to play cards, but instead opt for turning off the lights to whisper, flirt and "fight" a little.
Janie: (whispering loud) I'm not gonna win anyway. I'm taking you.
Will: (whispers too well)
Janie: It doesn't matter. I'm taking you. I'll take second.
- ***Before everyone gets into a tizzy, or starts slamming Janie as an idiot (or worse, which I wont post anyhow) relax and remember Janie's DR session from the episode last night. She is under no illusions that Chilltown is being honest to her. She knows she has to win to win, and she is playing them/him as much as they are playing her.
Will: What would you do with the money if you did win?
Janie: I don't have any debt. My car is paid for. I have a small mortgage.
Will: (surprised) You own your own home?
Will starts talking to her about getting involved and investing with the Dolce group.
Then they get back to whispering. They embrace-whisper so closely, her hand on his back, his hand in her hair, or holding the back of her neck - hot! - it tends to look like they're kissing, but they're not.

See what I mean?!
No wonder the rumors keep flying.

Anyhow, ever the romantic, Will sits up after this little whisper session and starts going on about properties and insurance.
- ***Pardon me while I zone out, doc.
They get back to whispering... a lot.
Will: Yeah. It's frustrating for me too.
Janie: (whisper)
Will: It's the same for me too.
Janie: (whisper)
Will: And it's brought up, and...
Will: I look at it like this, it's like a grain of sand in my life. But once you give it, then that's it, the episode is wrapped. But if you build, build, build...
- ***Will, for the feeders, there's been more building here than all seasons of Moonlighting combined. Would you f'ing make out already? We want fireworks.
Janelle:(disapprovingly) Will...
Will: Erika is going to say Mike and I called you a groupie for the rock video... and other things
Janelle: I don't care about stuff like that.
Janelle: Did you really say those things?
Will: Nope.
They recommence with the whispering. Then a bit about Will's life outside the house, studying, debt, getting board certified, Doctor 90210, etc...
Will: Let's make a deal not to talk about the game.
Will: And don't listen to Scrubika, okay? I feel like she's going to say hurtful things...
Janelle's fadin' fast.
Will: I told the DR, we can't bring time pieces into the BB house, so if you hear ticking it's Erika's biological clock.
Then he whispers to her.
Janie: Really?
Will: Yeah, really.
Will: So what would you really do with the money if you won?
Janie: In the DR I say stupid things, like "buy an extravagant bed for my dog."
Will: (laughing) I did the same thing in season 2! I was all "gold chains and jet skis, bitches."
Will: I didn't realize it was 9/11, and I looked like a total asshole.
Janelle: I didn't see you say that.
Will: (proud)It was one of my funniest lines.
Janelle whispers to him, he whispers back.
Will: It's like ride the meteor, go on the slip and slide.
- ***lmao. lucky boy that i'm not a rumor monger. that is almost too juicy to pass up
- ***Janie - listen closely for Classic Will tells. That was one of 'em.
Will: The show brings out the worst in me. It's not who I am.
Janie's listening, but not responding. Will's looking at her. She's laughs. They lay there looking at each other for a bit.
Will: I can't believe I wasn't voted out in the first 3 weeks.
Janelle: I was supposed to be gone the first week. That's what Mr. & Mrs. Smith's plans were...
- ***Funny how life works out sometimes. ;)
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