May the Best Player Win
When all is said and done tonight, Big Brother All-Stars will have a newly crowned king or queen... Whether we like it or not, Janelle and Will are not the final two. Like many before them, they were evicted. True, their evictions were harder to take, and Will's was applauded as a great move by many (myself not included), but in the end, Boogie and Erika are the last two standing, and prior less lucid comments notwithstanding, they deserve their positions. They may have achieved them by virtue of less popular game tactics, but they achieved them nonetheless.In the spirit of gamesmanship, which I will freely and ashamedly admit to having lost over the past week, and all that is holy (or unholy) in the BB world, I wish the finalists the best of luck tonight, and in the next few weeks as they de-compress, normalize and re-enter the world.
BB Fans, It's time to re-group, get over the hostility, and remember
Not the Player
In that vein, please enjoy this video. It's a wonderful compilation set to "I hope you had the time of your life," and it includes MANY of your favorite moments.
*** I'd be remiss not to include these two videos as well. The first is this morning's CBS Early Show. Following that is a Housecalls clip about the final 2.
Carla and Carolyn,
Just wanted to thank You two for a great season. The job you both did was awesome! The best site on the web. And....I don't care what anybody says, wee Willy can still bring a smile to my face. See ya both on the Survivor an AR blogs.
I agree with Higgie. You both did a wonderful job on this blog! thank you so much for all the information, videos, updates by the minutes, everything! you are the best! hope to see you next year!
Awesome video! And awesome blog! Thanks for all the hard work!
thank you! thank you! thank you! :)
You guys have the BEST web site. Wish i'd caught it sooner, but when i did i referred to it on BB7 live chat and i could tell it was really catching on anyway. Hope to see you guys next year. Great job, so sad it's over!
Way to go,
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