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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mike and Chicktown

The Feeds went to FLAMES 30 minutes ago at 9:45pm BBT... We're 99.99% sure the second part of the HoH Comp is going on now. Here's a good conversation that preceeded it.

Janelle: Do you think I made the right decision?
Boogie: Yeah, if you want to eat the whole "bread" yourself.
Janelle: Huh?
Boogie: If you want to bake the "bread" yourself, you made the right decision.

Boogie: Now that he left, everything came to focus. I realize you made the right decision. But, it will give me second place...
Janelle: The jury house really hates you guys.
Boogie: Yeah, 2nd place isn't so bad.
Janelle: You don't think you'll win? Do you think Erika will vote for you?
Boogie: Hmmmmm I don't know - I saw a different person yesterday. When she said "checkmate."
Janelle: I know. I was Will's friend. I can't take her.
Boogie: She didn't do anything. You oughta take me.
Janelle: I know, I think I have a better chance with you. Who do you think you'll get?
Boogie: Maybe James, maybe Erika. I can't get 4. George idolizes you, Howie idolizes you, Danielle said she'll vote for the best player.
Janelle: She'll have to vote for me.
    ***"So when did you know you were confident?" ;)

Boogie: Yeah, I scumbagged all those people. Will told me, "you get these people out, Boogie, you've never been here before, you hope for the best at the end."
Janelle: Yeah, but Will set the jury house up for HIM to win.
Boogie: Yeah. But not for me. He knew I was the rah-rah guy. Whenever I won, he didn't really celebrate. When I lie in bed and think about it now, replaying everything in my head, he just- in the big moments - he wanted me there, he wanted me in the finals, but.....I was just concerned that she (Erika) had you fooled, that she had convinced you to take HER to the Final 2
Janelle: No, not at all. I think I would probably lose to her. Yeah, but she is so WELL LIKED
Mike: huh?
Janelle: She is so well-liked!
Mike: Yeah....I think you've put yourself in a good position to take the whole thing. If you win tonight....
Janelle: Yeah, I'll beat her tomorrow, and then I'll take you. (smiles) But do you think I can beat her though? Tomorrow?
Mike: In the questions? Yeah.
Janelle: But she's been throwing them! She's always said, well, I'll win HoH when I need to.
Mike: You are the competititor of all time.

Janelle: I can't believe you jumped off!
Mike: You're a big favorite. Just do what you always do, relax.
Janelle: I think Erika thinks she can beat me.
Mike: She could, you know. She didn't do any of the dirty work. She kept her hands clean. The only dirty work she did was get rid of Danielle.
Janelle: Danielle will get over it, she's gonna vote for Erika. They were in the alliance of the misfits, you know?
Mike: She'll get over it, but she'll still vote for the best player.
Janelle: She will?
Mike: Just get up, and answer everybody's questions. You weren't really a bitch to anybody, you know like "bye bye bitches."

Janelle: (a little sad) What do you think Will is going to tell the jury house?
Mike: Will has a real life. He probably moved on 20 minutes after left here, he's not Howie. They're probably having a good time.

Mike: I'm dying to see him... if he wanted to save his relationship, he had the perfect opportunity to do so, and he didn't.
Janelle: What do you mean?
Mike: When he said to Julie, we'll be friends, he ended it. He could have said right there on live tv... his girlfriend is definitely watching... "I love my Girlfriend," but he didn't. I think that more than he wants to admit, he has real feelings for you.
Janelle: You really do?
Mike: I really do. He's a player. You think, is this guy for real? There's no doubt a portion of it, was for the games... On both sides. I think it started out that way, but the last 2 weeks he hasn't spent any time with me at all. I think he's into it really deep with you. Maybe I have a little bit more perspective now, because I talked to Dr Zachary about this last night, but I think he, deep down, wanted his girlfriend to see that show.
    ***I knew it!!! There was no other way he'd have come out of the DR so calm!

Janelle: You do?
Mike: I think you both entered into it, on a game level, but then you realized, wow this person is really cool. The thing is, with his girl, he's really cool. He's really impeccable. He doesn't carouse around. He's really a good boyfriend. In here, you guys sort of dated for like a month, and I couldn't believe it. I was just staring at him right there, like are you not going to take this moment and just say something to Erin right now?

Janelle: We could never talk about anything, because um..... (indicates the cameras)
Mike: Well, very soon you'll be able to talk about it, and we can all laugh about it. What was unique about the Final 4 and refreshing for him, it was cool to be here with people that, you know, have a life outside of the house.
Boogie: I feel bad about James. He's somebody I'd be friends with outside of here, but he was a threat. You just have to hope that people understand.
Janelle: He was a huge threat

Enter Erika.

Erika: Can I join you?
Janielle: Sure. We're just talking about Will. I miss him!
Erika: Willy! Willy!
Mike: He'll be ok. He has a life to go to after this. I'm sure he's having a bunch of laughs right now with those guys.
Erika: Yeah... He's a gamer.

Janelle: Do you think he would have thrown the competition still?
Mike: The endurance? Let's see... It would have been you, me and him? Yeah, he probably would have figured that you would stay up there forever. I didn't want him later going on, like, "Who's Alison?" I can't take that.
Janie: Yeah, like he's saying Who's Jenifer Aniston? C'mon Will!

Mike: Most likely, he would have chucked it... I put him on the spot one day, "Are you trying to win this without ever winning a competition again?" He swore to me deep down he wasn't, but I think he wanted to say he went 30+ times, never won, and won the game twice. We'll never know..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey... can u please post a clip of the jury house from tuesdays epsidoes... i missed it....

10:37 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

sure thing :) it's posted.

4:05 AM  

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