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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Confronting the Smiths

Jacuzzi -Jase, James, Janelle

James asked Jase directly if he had an alliance with Diane... also told him he knew all about the Mr&Mrs Smith thing.. that Toni had called him too.. and Janey too... months ago...

Jase: I don't think she's smart at all. And now that I'm supposedly linked with her. Hell no.
I'm voting her out... (as much to prove they're not an alliance as anything)

Janey: How are you feeling?

James: I still have so many bad feelings about keeping Nak in the house

Jase: It's just a horrible situation to be in. (having to vote someone out)

(so hard to hear with jacuzzi)

James.. I'm not worried about veto comps, I'm worried about Hoh
Janey: me too
James.. and I'm worried about food for damn sure.
Janey: Food....
Janey:Diane's all ' Everyone thinks there's mr n mrs smith.. there isn't.. don't worry...'

Re: Nakomis...
James: She won 3 f'in HoH's.. HoHs send people home.
Janey: That's not true. The people send them home.

James: You guys have more stuff to talk about?.. I feel like i came over and the conversation stopped.
Janey: no, we were just talking about mr n mrs smith...
James: (to jase) So you were never in a restaurant with alison and toni...? in boogie's restaurant...
James: it wasn't boogie that told me, it was ___ (couldn't hear)
Jase: never happened.

James:This doesn't feel like week 2.
Janey: Hell no.. feels like week 8

Howie comes outside.. says hi, but doesn't join them with Jase.. sits alone on a big red lounge chair

James: I kinda feel like, if i was put in this house with mag and ivette, I would have no interest in having an alliance with either of em.
Jase: Nak was the 6 finger plan girl..
James: I NEVER thought you and Nak were together..

Janelle: Wanna go play chess?
James: If you can deal with a half ass game from me.I played to much last year...
they leave.. go inside...

Janey goes in.. James stays out.. now grilling others about Toni Ferrari...

James, Boogie, Jase and Will

James and Boogie matching wits... seems even enough...

Paranoia discussion...
James: It's what sent Alison home.
Boogie: The beauty of my honesty is that, one of us is right.. and one of us gets to say 'I told you so, have a drink and laugh about it."
James: next time's someone's HoH, tell em you wanna go home.
Will: Thanks fo rthe tip.
James: Paranoias will drive you nuts.. Creating the us v them is not coming from the S6 people.
People are going to group you and Will together, just like they're going to lump us together...

James:I'm in the 4, whether by choice or by misfortune... 4 people can't stick together.. 2 can't through this whole game... I think that people... We're all playing lik it's wk 9, when it's wk 2.. People now are trying to get rid of people that scare the f-k out of em.. or people they just hate.

Will: This is what BB's planning on.. All the paranoia.. pre-game.. "has anyone contacted you?"

James:That's what its about every week... who will help you, who will hurt you.. Alison told me she was coming after my ass.. OK.. I changed my vote then.

Janey and Kaysar are whispering.. Changing feeds to HoH

Janey:I'm gonna try to get him up here. Meet us at the Chess...

Kaysar: Can you knock.. let me know...

Very quickly, James is upstairs with them, reporting back to Kaysar what just transpired downstairs... and he's very annoyed and agitated by everything that happened in the backyard...

James: What does Nak have to offer? What's in it for you to keep her?

Still upstairs, James and Janelle continue talking about Toni Ferrari - James is trying to remember the details of who told him what, but the food deprivation has his brain all fuzzy... he can't think well enough to remember the details.


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