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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Floater Alliance?

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3:00am HGTime.. and Beyond

Janelle and Kaysar.
Kaysar: I think the most dangerous thing that could happen for us would be if the floaters create a 3rd alliance. But then again, the floaters would have to make decisions, and put things into motion and they wont want to do that.

Janelle: Nakomis would.
Kaysar agrees with Janey.. once he take s a moment to think about it.

Howie joins them.

Kaysar: We have to take out Diane, continue to put pressure on Chilltown, definitely take out George...

FLAMES again.

Will & Boogie

Boogie: The only wrinkle in the whole plan is if Chicken George or someone like that wins.
They discuss Marcellas.
Boogie: I think Marcellas still wants to roll with the BB6 people a little bit... He came upstairs to HOH when we went up to talk to Janelle.

Will: Marcellas will jump ship as soon as power shifts.


Will and Boogie both want to see Chicken George win the game this year. They talk about how cool he is for doing a belly flop at 4 in the morning.

Will and Boogie are talking about the feeds...

Will: I think the internet wants to see the game talk that we're doing right now, but I'm not sure that the producers want it so much... I think the producers would just as soon show 4 cameras of people sleeping, as long as they just give the bare minimum...

    LMAO - the feeds cut to people in bed.

Janey, Kaysar
Janelle: What are we going to do now?

Kaysar: There are a lot of type A personalities in the house, and we have to let people make their own decisions.

Janelle: ...So we don't tell them we want them to vote out Diane?

Kaysar: We can tell them that's what we would like, but make sure to also acknowledge that we know that it's their decision to do what they want to do. We have to be very careful how we do it.

Kaysar: it's only week 2, and the floaters are already thinking about the final 2. Janelle: Should we change the plan... since the floaters are already doing what they want to do?
Janelle: I would rather still go after the floaters... I don't want one of them to win.
Kaysar: We're keeping Chilltown, because Chilltown bothers the floaters.
Janelle: There are just so many floaters... it's annoying.

Kaysar: That's how it is going to work, and we will just have to convince the floaters...
Kaysar: ... and if the floaters have a problem, We'll just cut a deal with Chilltown, and take all the floaters out.
Kaysar: We just need to wait and see how the vote happens.
Janelle: So if the vote doesn't go the way we want, we declare war on the floaters? Kaysar: Yeah, we'll just wait and see how it goes.
Janelle: (smiles...she likes this idea) I have a speech all ready for the floaters - "You know what...I might go next week, but I dont want a floater to win this, you know what....welcome to my world" (she gives both fingers)

Kaysar: If we get HOH again.
Kaysar: This is plan B - the shit hits the fan....Nakomis goes home, so now I'm really pissed we really make effort to get HOH, and we put up Diane and George. We don't have a choice. We have to attack the floaters. We should go to Will and Boogie and tell them to take a deal to go after the floaters, or we'll put Will and Boogie both up....We have nothing to lose, they are going to go after the floaters anyway.

Janelle: I don't think we should tell anyone what we're doing. We need to keep telling everyone that we're going after Chilltown.

No matter what, it is still 6 against 4, so the Season 6ers are going to need luck on their side.

Kaysar: We shouldn't go after the floaters until the floaters come after us.
Kaysar: Next week, if we get HOH, we should put up George and Boogie, and hopefully George would go home. That way, it will look like we were going after Chilltown still.
Janelle: We should put up Will and George... Will already agreed to be used as a pawn... We should tell the floaters that they need to get rid of Chicken George.

Kaysar: I hope Diane leaves.
Janelle: Do you think Danielle has figured out why we want Nakomis to stay?
Kaysar: We'r not shady... We want Diane to go because we think she is with Chilltown... We want Nakomis to stay because she will go after Chilltown. We haven't done anything yet that makes us look really shady, so we have nothing to worry about.
    ***What color is the sky in his world?

Kaysar says its a good thing Erika is not good at retelling stories....Janelle asks what he means? Kaysar says she will retell what happens in HOH and leave have the stuff out. Janelle asks does he think Erika is.....Howie says "Bipolar?" Janelle and Kaysar laugh, and Janelle is like "God, lol" Kaysar says that Erika just has a bad memory or something, and he has seen her retell stories, and she always leaves most of the story out.

Kaysar likes Nakomis, and feels like he can trust her. Janelle feels like Nakomis is more trustworthy than Erika. Kaysar says that the floaters are so scared of everything, that he thinks that they will vote out whoever they want them to because he thinks they will be too scared to go against them at this point. He thinks they are going to try to contiue to float for a while longer without making waves. He says they are going to be thinking that there is a war brewing between BB6 and Chilltown and they will want to sit back and ride that wave for as long as they can.

Kaysar says that it works to their advantage that they won the first 2 HOHs because the floaters almost feel indebted to them.
Kaysar says the problem is that floaters are always so scared, that they will take any deal. He asks why dont they make a deal with 2 of the floaters? He says in a couple of weeks if the floaters might come after them, they will go to the floaters and tell them "Look, let us deal with Chilltown, you keep us safe, and we'll keep you safe for 2 weeks....I dont know, something like that, let me think about it, I havent thought this through".

Looks like Howie might be sleeping at the end of the HOH bed, Janelle and Kaysar are just sitting in silence with their own thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

4:58 PM  

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