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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Powers That Be

Overnight Re-Cap, Part One

KITCHEN - just about everybody
10:35pm BBTime

Will: Question for Janie and Howie. Will you two hook up if you go to sequester?
Howie: (does the Howie moaning thing) Ooh... I'm pounding her.
Janelle: I'd NEVER have sex with Howie! Id rather...
Danielle: Get yourself off?
Will: Okay, So Janelle drops her vibrator in the ocean...

Will continues to fish on the hookup front, trying to get Janelle to say she would hook up with someone,

Jase: Will, your girlfriend, Gone.
Red-faced and backing off.. Will says to his girlfriend,
Will: Baby, I'm just asking... I'm just asking....

OK.. this was pre-alchohol.. or they'd only just received it, so no one's drunk yet...

11:15pm BBTime
JACUZZI - Jase, Diane, Janey, Boogie, Danielle, James, Will, Boogie

Everybody's drinking...
Jase: Yow! It's way too hot.
Diane and Janelle are actually in the hot tub.
Jase calls Boogie, then James and Danielle to come join them.
Will: (re Boogie) He truly is the life of the party.. he's it. You get a few beers in him and he's the life.
Janelle is giggling... getting tipsy

11:20pm BBTime
CUT TO: KITCHEN - Howie and George

Toasting one another...
George - Here's lookin' atcha' Howie.
Howie - Cheers Georgie

Howie is going to bed soon.. another hour he says.
Chef George is dishing up more fries.
George: So you would really like my daughters Howie.
Howie: They have nice bodies?
George: Howie Howie HOWIE!
And the talk takes on a serious note...
George: I'm really rootin' for ya Howie. You do this.
Howie: (dismissing his chances) You know when you are as pathetic as I am... dropping out of HOH's...
George: You go for that money Howie. You watch who you're friends are. You believe in yourself. I believe in you.

    ***Oh Poppa George... I'm gettin' all misty.

Howie: ...and now the apprentice is teaching the master.
George: You go for it, Howie, and watch those around you.
George: Be careful who you trust.



HOH ROOM - Danielle and James, both a bit tipsy
11:35pm BBTime

They've just agreed that if either of them wins POV (the Power of Veto), they'll leave nominations as is.
James: You're confident. You know you can win comps.
Danielle: Same goes... But Janelle is the bad ass. She wins it all...
James agrees.
James: Chilltown can't win comps. The agreement is to take floaters off.
Danielle: That's an "AGREEMENT"?
James: It's just what we talked about .. not agreement. I have to be more careful how I word things.
Danielle: And you have to really listen.
James: George is going home. It forces the floaters to take a stand.
Danielle: When do you think Marcellas, Erika and the rest of the floaters will step it up?
James: Next week. They'll see Chicken George going as a free week. If the floaters do win HOH next week, they'll have to think... they want to make it to sequester, they'll be wondering if they should nominate BB6, and put a huge target on their backs, or go after ChillTown.
James: Here's the floaters.. do I go after a season 6'er.. and I'm gone the next week? Or do I play for sequester?
Danielle: Do you think that is what people are playing for? Sequester?
James: Oh you bet.. and that's what I'm playing for. These people want sequester!

Danielle: That's why I love you James! This is great.
James: I learned from you.
Danielle: You are my little monster!

    *** still don't wanna believe they're in an alliance? Read on.

James: You definitely created a monster.
Danielle: I think you'll be able to pull this off. In this game, you have to be able to do the unexpected.

James: I'm considering putting Erika up against Chicken George on the off chance that Will comes off.
Danielle: That's a dangerous move. You don't want Erika to go.
James: I'm feeling like I'm in a very vulnerable position next week...
Danielle: You're safe if I get HOH next week.

Danielle: You know that we have our understanding... we're good with each other.
James: I was asked about that by 'you know who,' and I told them that you and I have had our understanding since the wrap party.
Danielle: By who? Kaysar?
James: you know....the powers that be.

    ***and the plot thickens...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the most crazy alliance in the world be Danielle and Marcellas? I mean come on NO ONE would suspect them at all....and he did vote Alison off over Danielle...he had the chance and let it go?

Something's fishy!

9:22 AM  
Blogger Carla said...

Ha! Carolyn and I both have suspected that one. :)

1:39 AM  

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