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Friday, July 21, 2006

Chicken G & James

12:45am BBTime
HoH Room
Thursday Night

Back from the DR, James is going into HoH with Chicken George.

Chicken George: All I can tell you is if you don't nominate me, I'll remember you. I don't have anything else to offer. That's all I got. I'm sort of stuck in an alliance, not really by choice, but I have nothing really. I can't line people up for you, or anything like that.
    ***I feel so bad for this man. He's so sweet, and that whole thing was so 'hat in hand.' It's like he knows he's dead man walking. Not that I'm rooting for him... he's just such a fish out of water and such a sweet man... ya can't help feeling for him.

James: Big Brother is not a team sport, and I'm just on a fact finding mission.
James: Noone really has anything bad to say about you.
James: This is the first time I've been in this situation... to nominate people. People keep saying season 6 is safe, but are we? Probably so, because I would vote for them and they would vote for me.
James: This alliance you're throwing into it is sort of puzzling to me, because I haven't picked up on that at all, but I'm not really worried about it.

George: The house is totally new to me... it is so different from season 1.
James: Which is better?
George: This is way is more exciting.

George: How are you going to work it at the end?
James: I'm just hoping that people will vote for whoever played the best game and not necessarily who was just the "nice guy".
George: That's just the way I am, I can't help it.
James: I know that... the only reason I was nasty last year was because I had to be.
James:It's an interesting game. It changes every week.
George: I understand.

James: I've heard from several people that you already think you're going to be nominated this week, and I can tell by the way you're sitting there like "just hurry up so I can get out of here".....
George: I understand that you have to do what you have to do. All I can say is that if you get to the end, you just have to think about what votes you're going to have. James: Are you saying that I would have your vote (if I don't put you up)?
George doesn't really answer.

James: Here's the deal, George... You are such a nice guy, everyone pretty much knows that if they were up against you, they would go home.
George: You dont know that.
George: Whatever you gotta do.

With that, George leaves HOH.
James leaves HoH as well, and goes outside to the backyard, to play badminton with the others.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't take it....I just can't take it. I guess I'm a sensitive person. I haven't really been rooting for Chicken George either but for some reason my heart breaks for him on the show. I feel extremely bad for this poor man. It seriously almost brings me to tears that he has no one.

3:59 PM  

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