BB7Dish - Ya Just Can't Get Enough

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Howie to HoH

James: Howie, would you get me some water?

Ever dutiful, Howie goes back downstairs to get it for him. lol.

George: Remember to come and get me when you're done talking to James, so I can go up.

Howie goes back up.

Howie is James' coffee break from all teh interviews. They're joking around...

James:(joking) The house is telling me that you're coming after me and Sarah.
Howie: The house has no idea what you're going to do. George is nervous.
He told me, "It's been fun while I've been here."
Howie compliments James' HOH.
Comfortable silence...

James: What do you think?
Howie: There are all kinds of scenarios.
James: What I'm thinking right now is that if I put up Will and Chicken George, I'll have enough votes to secure Chicken George to leave.

Howie: What did Will say?
James: Will told me I've done a pretty good job making it appear that I'm not as tight with season 6, and he said that he really doesn't want to be here long enough to get to sequester.

BB: James. Please come to the Diary Room.

James: If I do decide to go after Chicken George, I think we have enough votes to send him home.
James: We'll look good for putting him out, and then when the floaters get HOH, Chilltown will still be intact for the floaters to go after.

James is leaving to go to DR, and tells Howie...

James: You can just hang out and listen to Pearl Jam or whatever.



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