A Balanced Diet

For this competition the houseguests are paired up. They are playing to win food for each day. They roll bowling balls up a ramp, pushing and guiding the ball with a metal pole. The ramp has colored zones with holes and where their ball drops decides what they will eat for that day and they also earn food from each zone they pass safely. The food zones on the ramp are: beer and vegetables, breads and kumquats, meat and ice cream and a catered meal. There are also 4 red danger zones on the ramp and if their ball drops in one, they will eat slop for that day. Like bowling, there are also gutters on the sides which also means, slop for the day. Each pair has a choice to keep what they earn on the first attempt or can go a second time and risk losing what they earned on the first roll.
Erika and James are playing for Monday’s food. They pass the first red zone, then the yellow zone, then the orange, then the green. At the end they come really close to the slop red zone, but they make it to the end successfully and win all the food for the day, including a catered meal.
Next to play are Boogie and Diane for Tuesday. Diane does not seem to know what she is dong and Boogie takes charge. They, too win all the food and a catered meal.
Playing for Wednesday are Will and Danielle. They do not fair as well! They win bread and kumquats, vegetables and beer. Yum!
Howie and Kaysar compete for Thursday. Kaysar directs Howie and they move fast, winning all the food and another catered meal.
Janelle and Marcellas play to win food for Friday. Boogie is giving them instructions and BB tells him to go back to the risers. Their ball falls into the yellow zone on both attempts. So, Friday it’s vegetables and beer!
George and Jase play for Saturday. Jase runs the show and they do very well, winning all the food and a catered meal.
Last, we have Boogie and Jase playing for Sunday. Once again, Jase gives orders and they win all the food and yet another catered meal.
Wow, no slop! Sounds like the HG’s will not only eat well this week but have lots of beer! This should make for some interesting feeds! The best part of all…Marcellas can’t stop complaining about starving!
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