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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Visions of Sugarplums

1:15pm BBTime
Food talk going on

Janelle: I have to Pee, BB!

Nakomis: Did they say how long lockdown was going to be?

Danielle: Do the peepee dance.

Janelle: How many hours are we going to be eating tonight? Seriously...
waffles and ice cream.

The food fantasies continue... those that have been on gruel all week can almost taste it... the food restriction is up at midnight, or so they believe.

1:30pm BBTime
BB: Houseguests. Lockdown is over. Please feel free to move about the house.

The HGs all get up and go inside, except Howie, who remains on the couch.

Danielle is talking about her season.
Janelle and Nak went to the bathroom.
Marcellas went to lay down, put his mask on - Diva, OUT.
Erika and Diane, also in bed
Jase and Boggie in the pool, talking, but unintelligible.
Will's fetal on the ground

    Nap-Time, I guess... Sounds good to me... Quit yer bitchin', All Stars... Seriously.

1:40pm BBTime
BATHROOM - James and Janey

Janey's getting gorgeous for the live-show, James is too... shaving, Kaysar's in there too...

BACKYARD - Jase and Howie
Jase is still in the pool
Howie is still on the couch.

And.. we're back to Trivia...


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