Toni Ferrari Article
I found this article, spoke with the writer, and got her permission to post it for you here. This is far and away the best article I've seen on the Toni F/Mr. & Mrs. Smith scenario. Finally, it'll all make sense... and there's a surprise...Article: How Toni Ferrari is ruling the Big Brother All Star Household
"For those of you hooked to Big Brother All Stars, and I know there are fans out there, a name circling the fan forums lately wasn’t one you might have expected to hear.

Toni Ferrari.
Yes, a name you’ve heard out there in reality tv land but associated with shows like Kill Reality or Love Cruise. Why would her name be associated with the current season of Big Brother?
* She’s friends with some of the houseguests
* She is the former roommate of one of the houseguests
* She has possibly masterminded one of the greatest takeovers/alliances in reality tv history and she’s not even on the show
I’ll address each issue one by one. First, she is friends with damn near half of the current houseguests. Toni keeps in regular contact with so many of the All Stars in part because of her former roommate and because of the career paths so many reality tv stars follow after their series end. Secondly, she did share an apartment with a former Big Brother houseguest and current All Star - Diane Henry. Third, the most important of the 3, she set into play the alliances between various All Stars months before the voting took place to even decide who would be heading back inside the Big Brother house.
But that alone wouldn’t make this a great story, a Jonny Fairplay type of move that will go down in reality tv history. She also began working with others to destroy the person she originally set out to help win Big Brother All Stars.
Confused? Intrigued? Pissed? Read on, as the information I’ve obtained came straight from Toni Ferrari herself.
Toni, her then roommate Diane, and Jase began the “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” plan some time ago. (The plan itself was named by Jase, who has a bit of a Brad Pitt obsession) When word came down that All Stars was becoming a reality, the 3 set the plan into motion. The idea was to recruit the strongest players from the past seasons, even those that intimidated Diane and Jase. Toni, who was never on the show, recognized the strengths of different players and the 3 worked together to pick who would work well as part of a secret alliance. The phone calls began to those players, recruiting the best. Of course, Jase and Diane would wear something to signify their allegiance to the alliance when moving into the Big Brother house. Diane went with the black dress and Jase wanted to wear a black tuxedo, though he was talked out of that obvious move. The “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” plan would be considered successful if Jase and Diane made it as the final 2.
Then things went sour between Diane and Toni. Rather than get into murky waters already explored on Diane’s site, I’ll use Toni’s explanation of what happened. Toni’s side of the story is that there were some problems regarding household bills and responsibilities; therefore the friendship soured. Toni has kept quiet regarding this matter, going as far as to remove her website, and waited. She then put her plan into motion.
Toni decided that maybe someone else should be “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” instead of the two who were already dying to turn on each other. Jase and Diane were both talking of turning on each other via IM and phone any chance they got. So Toni called on her good friends Erika and James, both former and All Star houseguests. From there, the new plan members took over the original plan. Now people Diane and Jase believed were a part of their alliance were always a part of the new alliance, one with stronger people who knew all about the original plan and had a new one ready to go.
Janelle has admitted she talked to Toni on the phone during a moment on the feeds. “Not true,” stated Toni, “She didn’t talk to me but I did set up the phone call.” It wasn’t Diane though, as Diane is petrified of Janelle. But to hear Diane talk about Janelle is a different story. Diane has been rather blatant in her desire to want Janelle out of the house and wants to take all the credit for it despite being afraid of her. When asked who she would like to see win the game, she would like to see, “Erika and James because they are real friends.” She’s only asked for one thing for her help from those who will benefit; she wants 3 simple words said. While Diane is a good player, Toni feels she will be eliminated at some point. When Diane is evicted from the house, she wants James or Erika to say, “Toni says hi.”
Cold, perhaps, but there is no love lost between these two women and obviously that’s for a good reason. Toni has this to say about the rest: “The last thing I wanted to do was hurt or screw over Jase or Nakomis. I had fun at the auditions for Kill Reality with Jase. I’ve never met Nakomis but she’s a smart player and a nice person. I want Diane’s head on a platter. She’s going to talk all kind of shit about me and I’m not going to get the chance to rebut any of it at all? I made a phone call - just one phone call. My loyalities lie to my real friends - like Erika and James. But I specifically wanted to get the one person who scared the hell out of Diane in general and that’s Janelle."
As for Toni, she’s been staying out of the reality game until now. She’s moved away from all the action and is working hard off screen, which is how she likes it. She didn’t know her name was brought up until I wrote her an email. The plan itself was created, as she reminded me many times, to help out a friend in need. When that friend was no longer her friend, she decided to help the most deserving person in her eyes.
Despite how you feel about this whole thing, it could be the best preshow setup since the “dead grandma” bit pulled by Jonny Fairplay on Survivor. This took serious planning, studying, scheming, and the work of some dedicated Big Brother houseguests who didn’t even know if they’d be on the show until shortly before they moved in. Add in that the plan was conceived by someone who isn’t even on the show, never has appeared on the show, and has no vested interest except to help friends win and the “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” plan falls nothing short of brilliant.
Who knows what will happen once the houseguests began to let on about their alliances or those who have left begin to read about what was set up before they even stepped through those Big Brother doors. I know I’ll be watching even more now, if that’s possible.
To think CBS named last summer’s Big Brother season the “Summer of Secrets.’ I do believe this season deserved the name from the minute Toni got involved. "
Original Article from
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The article confused me a little. So is she saying that Erika and James are now Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Is anybody else involved in the alliance?
I'm sorry but I think Toni is kind of pathetic. Has Diane even mentioned her? I mean come ON! She is so full of herself. She needs to get back to her own life and stop worrying about how to get back on t.v. no one cares!
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