Danielle's HoH Room

Dani's HoH room is decorated in palm trees and earth tones. Rather out of place is the fuzzy pink bathrobe, stains and all, that I expect we'll see Dani wearing quite a bit. Her mother apologized to us all for the horror that is the bathrobe in the letter she sent Dani. The room itself is very soothing...which she may need if this week turns out to be as crazy as we expect. She got some very nice wine in her HoH basket which she is generously sharing with Janie and Erika. Janie's getting a buzz. She also received HoneyCombs cereal, and Will and Howie made off with that to the kitchen pretty quick.

She received a nice letter from her mother explaining how she chose the name Danielle. All the houseguests listened intently as she read. Apparently, her mom got the name from a soap opera - the character of Dani was a beautiful, self-assured attorney on the series.

I hope Dani enjoys her room...because if my feeling is correct about the coming Coup d'Etat, she will not be HoH long!

One thing I noticed, the houseguests stayed in Dani's room longer than any other HoH's. Perhaps it's the novelty of having a non-season 6er in there, or perhaps the decor itself, but most of the HGs stayed in there for an hour before anyone started leaving. It's now into the second hour since she got the room, and all S6 is still there, as well as Erika and Will, and more are coming back.
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