Howie had an outburst!
Since the feeds were off during the eviction, we do not know exactly what happened. However, there must have been a verbal altercation Howie started with Boogie.Danielle: I have never seen such anger before.
James: That is why I got Howie's bag for him. I wasn't going to open the door and act like I was kicking him out, but I knew Howie wasn't mature and was going to explode, so I was trying to help him out easy. Howie really trusted us.
Boogie: I know, but I couldn't allow Howie to explode like that if he had been told earlier. We would've had to go to the producers and tell them to calm the mother f'er down. What was done had to be done.
James: It was a good decision by Chicken George.
Boogie: Howie wasn't mentally able to handle the game.
James: I have to go check on my Janie girl.
James enters the red room
James: Are you feeling better?
Janelle: No.
James: Please do not take this so hard. I have never seen this side of you. You aren't a super woman, you are human. Is there is anything I can do to make you feel better?
Janelle: NOTHING will make me feel better.
She is curled up with a blanket covering her head.
Janelle: I feel like I was depressed, and now there is no way I can ever be happy again in that house.
James: No one will be happy in this house. My emotions are like a roller coaster. This game breaks everyone down at every level.
Janelle: I feel ill.
James: Can I get you some Sprite.
Janelle: No.
James: No one knows why Chicken George put Howie up. It made no sense.
Janelle: Erika makes me want to puke. She is so annoying.
James: Howie is the only person who was nice to Chicken George.
Janelle: I want to go home
James (in his Howie voice): You're cute Janie.
James: What did Will say?
Janelle tells him a little of the convo she had with Will but is careful with what she says.
Janelle: Howie sent himself home.
James: Yea, Howie didn't do himself any favors by getting in Boogies face and throwing his hat at Boogie.
Boogie's HoH room is ready. James and Will are trying to get Janelle to go see it. She doesn't want to because she has been crying for hours and thinks she looks horrible.
James: You have so much natural beauty. It doesn't matter what you look like.
Janelle: Are you sure?

Will get on his knees but Janelle cannot see for the blanket still over her head.
Janelle: I can't get up.
Will: James and I will help you up the stairs.
Janelle: I can't do it.
Will gets her a pair sunglasses to wear and she gets up to go see the HoH.
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