BackyardThe houseguests are on yet another lockdown. It appears that it will be a long one because BB has supplied a port-o-potty. And, for the third night in a row, they are eating pizza again.
We are trying to make sense of the Veto Comp. From what I gather it was a competition of temptations, questions, points, and rewards. Some of the prizes were a phone call, $5,000, a flat screen TV, and a trip. They were asked questions to earn points, and I am assuming points were taken if they wanted to bid on a reward. BB also tempted them with points to put people on slop, take away their beds, and hot water. The houseguest with the most points won the veto, which was Janelle.
This is what I do know:
Danielle is being put in solitary confinement for 24 hours. BB is taking every thing out of the red bedroom. The HGs will have to sleep on cots. They will be forced to take cold showers. At least 3 HGs are on slop for the remainder of the week.
I will be back with more information as soon as I get it!
Here are a couple pics of the backyard,from the competition earlier...

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