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Nomination Spoiler
*Not that it is a shock, but Boogie has nominated Janelle and Erika! Or at least that is how it appears. Since the feeds came back on, no one has said a word about the nominations. Erika looks extremely pissed! If I am incorrect, I apologize...but I seriously doubt I am!
If you are wrong, then color me shocked. While many nominations have been no brainers in our eyes, Boogie has the easiest reign in BB history!
On a side note, Erika needs to get a!
I'm pretty sure they're gonna pick the girls off one by one. Boogie will walk away with it at the end. But I personally would like to see Janie win
I am so disappointed in Janie. While I love her to bits, I just think she fell for, as street hustlers call it, "the game". She got played like a runaway teen on Hollywood Blvd.
At 6:25 pm I heard Ericka complaining that she would be going home because Janelle would win the POV.
Who will Mike put up?
Stupid Girls...
Janelle and Erika deserve to lose now. They've made fatal errors that will cost them both the game.
My guess is Will takes home the cash and become the first BB Houseguest to win twice.
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