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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Checks & Balances

11:30 BBTime
HoH ROOM - Marcellas, Kaysar, Janelle, Howie

Marcellas: Chilltown will not win HOH, Jase maybe.
He is still pushing for Diane to be voted out.
Marcellas: She may or may not strengthen Jase, but she definitely doesn't strengthen Chilltown.
Marcellas: Nakomis is keeping her cards to close to her chest, and I don't trust her. Diane has told me that she will not come after me. I think Nakomis is the strongest thread, eliminate her, and then deal with chilltown, then come after anyone that is in the line of fire.

Marcellas: Diane can be dealt with. Nakomis cannot.
Marcellas: You can't have it both ways. Alison was emotional and crazy ..... You guys want to say 'we're not playing the 4 of us,' but you were the sovereign 6... and you are different... you guys are acting the same way you were in your season... You are a cohesive, crazy group.

Marcellas has been talking for the last 10 minutes all by himself with minor interruption from the other hg's present: Kaysar, Janelle, Howie and Erika.
Marcellas: Nakomis wont even talk to me.
Kaysar: Do you want us to bring her in here?!

Return mid-conversation to
HoH Room, Same Group
Kaysar: Don't think I'm trying to work my own agenda. You guys have risked yourselves as much and I.
Marcellas: I never at one time said you have a deal with me here.
Kaysar: You just told me 5 minutes ago.
Marcellas: ...but her going after chill town protects the four!
Kaysar: I thought we were all on the same team. How does that adversly effect you?

Erika leaves the HOH room to get a glass of water and comes right back

Marcellas: Sometimes what is good for the four, may not be good for the people who are jockeying to be fifth and sixth members of the four.

***To sum up the Marcellas rant...***

Marcellas had initially told Kaysar and Janelle that he is definitely voting to keep Diane. Kaysar tried to change Marcellas' mind using every possible tactic, but Marcellas would not budge. Finally, Kaysar said that they need to stick together, and if everyone couldn't agree to save Nakomis, then he would throw in the towel, and they should all just vote unified to keep Diane in the house.

It seemed like Kaysar was out of ammunition and drive to keep Nakomis, but then he came up with one more try:
Kaysar: (to Marcellas) We will understand that you have to vote the way you think is best for you, but somewhere down the line when you win HOH, and you put up 2 people, and you really want one of those two to go, and you need the votes from "season 6/the 4" to get what you want, are you going to be okay with it if we tell you, Marcellas, we're sorry, but we can't vote that way, because we don't think it's best for the might be whats best for you, but its not whats best for us, so sorry, we can't vote the way you want us to?

Marcellas: (Well, if you put it that way!) I need to think some more. You made some very good points, so I'm gonna go down to the hammock and think about. I will let them know when I've decided for sure what I want to do.

And with that, he leaves HoH.
Erika leaves almost immediately after Marcellas.

Still HoH ROOM - Kaysar, James and Howie
They are all unhappy with Marcellas, general complaining bout him and the rest of the floaters. They're tweaked that they all want to be part of "the four", but only when it's most advantageous for them.

    **lol.. how dare they want to do what they think is best for them.

BACKYARD, HAMMOCK - Erika and Marcellas
Erika: The only problem I see is if you don't vote with them, i don't think they'll go after you, but they definitely wont bring you any further into the loop if/when they win HOH again. I think it's always a good idea to vote with the HOH.
Marcellas: I am not going to lie to Diane again. Diane told me flat out that she would not go after me, and that she would go after Will and Boogie if she gets HOH, and she looked at it like being a free week for the house. Nakomis hasn't told me that.
Marcellas: (very frustrated with the 4) They think they are so smart. Jase is bringing information from the four to chilltown.
Erika: Is Jase is in with the four?
Marcellas: I used to think he was, but he's not, and he's just trying to play both sides.
Marcellas: There have to be checks and balances. I am not going to keep giving the four total power. I voted how they wanted me to vote last week, and they told me then that they would get Danielle out next if I would vote Ali out. I believed them and voted Ali out, but Danielle is not up on the block this week.
Marcellas:(referring back to Kaysar's comment) When I'm HOH, I put up 2 people that I don't care which one goes, so I'm not going to need their votes.
Marcellas: They have had HOH twice in a row and have f*d it up twice in a row, and now they want me to hold their hands and wipe their noses. I'm not doing it.

They drift into the subject of food, and when the restriction might actually end. They're wondering if it's Thursday night after evictions, or all the way until the next food comp?

Marcellas: So many things are out of your control, and I'm down with that, but I don't want to be the anorexic gay guy.
Erika: It's not your fault you doesnt have food.
Erika: Marcellas, you have valid points.
Marcellas: You can vote how she wants, they can all just let it all fall on me, it's ok.
Erika: They don't have the votes. (to keep Nakomis) We should all just vote the same way.
Marcellas: The four really don't have any power, no more that Chill Town does.
Erika agrees.
Marcellas: Now we just have to get HOH, and put up Will and Boogie.
Both agree they don't want the four to get HOH this week, and decide to go back to HoH to tell the 4 what Marcellas has decided.

En Route to HoH...
Danielle, Janelle, Marcellas, Erika
Danielle: Are you headed to bed now?
Marcellas and Erika say they're going to try. Chatter for a minute about things they miss - snuggling at night, their dogs.

Marcellas detours to talk to Danielle, folding laundry.
Marcellas: They had some good points, but what it comes down to is that there has to be checks and balances.
Danielle: Erika told me that they had the votes to keep Nakomis.
Marcellas: They don't, so now they have to dump it. I don't care. I gave Diane my word, and I am going to keep it.
Danielle agrees: I've told everyone the same thing: once I makes up my mind and decide something, don't even try.

HoH ROOM - Kaysar, Janey, Howie
Kaysar: (re floaters)If they don't vote with us, then they know what they are doing and they are selling us (the 4) out, so after this, we are going to take all floaters out.
Kaysar: Are you ready to take on the whole house?
They say they are. Kaysar is going downstairs to tell them that as diplomatically as he can.
Howie and Janelle want to see, and Kaysar asks them to wait a little while first... so it doesn't look like a show of brut force.

To be continued...
Come back in an hour or so... You don't want to miss what's coming next.

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