No Shack Required
3:35 BBTimefeeds are back..
Janey, Erika, Will and Boogie.. Jase is sitting watching... the bathroom primping.
Danielle's ready, and looking stunning.. Will looks like a grown up version of the kid from the Munsters... Janey's all in black and curling her hair - gorgeous as always... George looks like he's headed for the shower...
Boogie, James, Kaysar and Howie are all getting ready in the yellow room...Hair all slicked back, lots of shirts getting tucked in, and the like. Howie's looking for a new bed to sleep in, chooses one, and James says, "Boogie jerked off in that bed, Howie."
James: How'd you get away with it?
James: You just don't care if you get caught, do you?
3:40 FLAMES AND TRIVIA... again... grrr...
Is there something they can give that boy to make him stop doing that?
I think Boogie needs to be neutered. Or something, I don't know.
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