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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mending Rifts

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Midnight, BBTime
Kaysar, James, Marcellas, Erika and Danielle

Kaysar joins the group outside and quietly sits down while they're in the middle of small-talk.
Marcellas: Did you all hear Jase tell me I looked like a crackhead today? I thought , "I wish that Jase was on the block right now because I'd vote his ass out."
James:(subtle as a bull in a china shop) You have the opportunity to vote out Jase's partner.
James: (to Danielle) What's your take on all this is?
Danielle: Do I really want to get involved in this?
Marcellas: I was going to wait and tell Kaysar later, but you are going to have to dump your votes, because I am voting to keep Diane. I think it is what's best for me, and in the long run what is best for everyone.
Kaysar: We're not dumping our votes. Chilltown has decided where they are voting, and I have decided where I am voting, and if it doesn't happen, then it is putting a huge target on you. By you not voting with us, it is creating a huge problem for me, so I understand if you (Marcellas) can't vote with us, but I just need you to know that down the line if you needs us for anything, we might not be able to be there for you.

Marcellas: If you had taken this hard line with Mike and Will, I would be right there next to you, and we wouldn't having this problem... But you're taking this hardline trying to keep a very strong player in this house, and I can't do that. James: Keeping Diane is making Chilltown stronger. Diane is one of the legs of a 4 legged monster.
James:I was arguing with Kaysar so much today, because I didn't agree with Kaysar either... until today when Diane admitted to me that Mr & Mrs Smith exists.

Marcellas: I gave Diane my word. Now Kaysar is putting me between a rock and a hardplace, and I am not worried about Mr & Mrs Smith... I am not concerned that Mr & Mrs Smith will come after me.

Marcellas gets right in James' face, puts his arm on James.

James: If you don't back up, it's going to get ugly.

Marcellas doesn't move. James stands up, so they are nose to nose.
Kaysar stands up and delicately encourages Marcellas to back off.
James sits back down.

James: Chilltown will strong-arm Diane into putting us up.
Marcellas: If they strong-arm her, it will be because 'the four' have closed the lines of communication down between yourselves and Diane.
Kaysar: I have been trying to be concerned for the whole group... and doing what would be best for all of us.
Marcellas: If you were so concerned about the whole group, you would have put up two different people this week.

James asks to talk to Marcellas alone. Kaysar leaves.

James: We all agree that the nominations this week were stupid, but what worries me is Diane's alliance.
Marcellas: Diane gave me her word that she is going after Chilltown... Nakomis has never said that.
James: On a personal level, I would like Diane to stay.
Marcellas: You don't have the votes... The rest of the house wants Diane to stay...

That's why the Sov 4 are fighting so hard to get his vote this week.

James: I've just seen and heard things between Jase and Diane and chilltown this week... While at first I thought these were stupid nominations, I'm now willing to put Diane out.
Marcellas: But you (the 4) are trying to strong-arm me to get me to vote how you want me to. Do you really think that the 4 wont throw you under the bus first out of the 4 of them?
James: They have already thrown me under the bus a couple of times this season, so I'm having a hard time deciding what I should do.


INT. BATHROOM - James and Marcellas
Marcellas: I was getting passionate, because I was feeling threatened. Kaysar told me an hour ago that my vote would be fine, and now he is threatening me. Kaysar is not going to cost me the game.
James: I understand where you're coming from... I was talking more about what happened outside on the couch and wants to make sure that everything is good between us.
Marcellas: It was both of us.. not just you... and I wouldn't do anything to you... look at it, You have 5 inches on me! (laughs)
Marcellas: I am just not going to be led by someone who I feel is making bad decisions. Kaysar did this last season, and he is doing it again this season.

James nods his understanding.

CUT TO: EXT. COUCH - James and Howie
James: I can just see that everyone else in the house is looking at this as an individual game, and we are still looking at it as a team sport, which it isnt. Howie: We definitely have more enemies in the house now.
James: Yep... it sucks. Marcellas might have had a good idea by just throwing all the votes, since we dont have the votes we need anyway. We're just going to have to take the hits from this bad decision, and hope that the team recovers from it.

Kaysar joins them outside.

James reiterates to Kaysar what he's just told Howie about everyone else playing as individuals... then he suggests throwing the votes to Kaysar.
Kaysar: We can try to get Chicken George.
James and Howie: That is not going to happen.
Kaysar: We can just dump all the votes then, but you both have to go hardcore on Thursday (for the HOH comp).
Kaysar: Doesn't anyone else care that this is making chilltown 5 strong by keeping Diane?
James: I would be comfortable keeping Diane in the house, so I understand where Marcellas is coming from, but I was willing to go with the team.
Kaysar walks off.

James: (to Howie) When I came into the house this year, I had no idea how I was going to react to you guys... but once I was in the house and saw how you are playing this time, I felt like I was in a good place with the four.

Howie hugs him.

    Yayyyyyyy!!! The rift is mending!!!

James: We are looked at as a team, so we have to play as a team, and make decisions together from now on.
Howie: I think the floaters will go after chilltown.
James: I'm not so sure.
    **me neither - better win HoH guys.

Howie mentions Danielle.
James: Danielle isnt coming after us, but she isn't going after chilltown either. Howie: She is smart.
James: BB is not a team sport.
Howie: Kaysar isn't protected this week if someone wants to come after him... unless he has backers. He does though.

Erika joins them.

James: This week is hard for me, because I wanted Diane to stay and I wanted Nakomis to go... so I had to go against what I thought personally was best.

The group breaks up. James and Erika both go inside.

James: BB, Can I PLEASE go to the DR?


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