Dani/Janie Truce
11:35am BBTSTORAGE ROOM - Will & Boogie
Will is updating Boogie on everything he told Dani.
Boogie: That's a start.
Will: She came up to you, she wants James back.
Boogie: If Dani's a problem, she'll do it like a bad person.
BACKYARD - Dani and Janelle
Dani. So Janelle you want to call a truce?
Janelle: (laughs) Um. What for like a week?
Dani: If I win Hoh, you win HoH, 1 week truce.
Janie: Ok.
Dani: Deal?
Janie: Yeah
Dani: Let's do it. I figure if you can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em. And believe it or not, I know more than you think. I see a lot of things. I know when people are floaters.
Janie: Who's the floater?
Dani: You know when certain people cling on to people and give them HoH's. I figure let's be ladies about it. When I'm HoH I'll take care of some things and we're you're HoH you can take care of some things. But when I told you I didn't want you to give it, I was being sincere, that wasn't bullshit.
Janie: I know.
BB: Janelle, please go to the Diary Room.
Janelle: I'm going to the bathroom first, BB.
Chicken George: Here we go.
Chatter and...
11:50am BBT
BB: Housguests: This is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass doors.
Boogie is giving James hell about swearing on the Bible in the workout room last season.
James: I told the other side I'd put up Howie and Rachel, since I knew Kaysar and Janelle were coming after me. But then I won the Veto.
Dani: Why did Kaysar and Janelle come after you so early in the game?
James: They thought Sarah and I were expendable, since we were the last two to enter the alliance. Kaysar and Janelle would sit up late at night last year and talk about when to cut me loose.
Will enters the Backyard, rapping, and
FLAMES again.
25 minutes of flames... we come back to Chicken George laughing as Will whispers something to him.
12:30pm BBT
Bathroom - Janelle, Will, Boogie to join
Janelle: (whispering) Danielle said "Why don't we just call a truce and go after ChillTown."
Janie and Boogie go up to the HoH to discuss it further. Will goes to the DR to ask for something to do.
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