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Monday, August 21, 2006

Is Will Single?

A few minutes ago, I got a heads up from one of our readers to go and check out Will's myspace page - that all pics of Erin had been removed, and his status had been changed to single. Ruh Roh, Will.

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Here's what the mod on his myspace page says: "There has also been speculation on the disappearance of the pictures of Will and Erin Brodie that were on the site. After the infamous shower scene with Mike, Erica, Janelle and Will, Erin requested that we remove them and we did. We will not make any other comment on this as it is a private matter between Will and Erin and we respect that. "

OK, we will too... Best wishes to the both of them. Game is game. Life is life. Here's hoping Will can work his magic as well outside the house as he can inside.

Incidentally, Julie Chen has disappeared from Will's friend's list. Here's what his mods have to say about that: "There has been speculation over Julie Chen disappearing from Will's top friends. Julie or someone on her behalf removed Julie Chen as a friend of Will's on the Saturday after Will called her "sweetheart" in a Live Broadcast."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know if I'm allowed to do this and since you ladies moderate, you will decide. But this post inspired me and I came up with this:

Cut and paste to your browser and enjoy Mr. *ahem* Dr. Kirby.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually julie chens myspace was deleted

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's 3 cheers to Dr. Delicious being single and free game!!! OHH YEAHHH! :] A trip to Cali is in the cards for this chick. hahaha ;]

10:04 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

meema... yes, and only because it's you... normally, no way.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Carolyn, thanks!

I checked earlier and saw it wasn't there and said to myself, "Oh well, I understand." *Head down, kicks dirt*

And then...:)

You rock sister!

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get real people Will is taken. Erin knew Will was going to do whatever it takes to mess with people in the game. She knowns it is just a game and that Will is Will. Do you think he cares if he wins?..No The only reason he wanted to play again was to mess with the best.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really believe that someone like Julie Chen runs home to change her MySpace friends list when someone does something she doesn't like. She's Julie F*cking Chen. I think the way people make MySpace an extension of their lives is weird so if Erin did do that, she needs a life.

10:39 AM  

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