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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

2 Women Scorned

Normally, when I begin the overnights, I've actually slept. Tonight that's not the case. It's 6am here on the east coast, 3am BBT. After watching Janie and Will in the Red Room for a couple of hours, torturously silent, early to bed, but neither of them sleeping. Janie got out of bed around 2:15am BBT. Will asked her if she'd bring him some water. She said sure, and as of 3:10am BBT, he's still waiting, still awake, and still very aware that she's not lying next to him.

Janie and Erika are in the backyard, where they've been having a very illuminating chat for the past 45 minutes. Here's an excerpt:

Erika: I'm so f'in pissed. I was had by a couple of f'in boys.

Janie: I'm gonna be like, "showmance this." (flips a bird)
Erika: I'm livid.

Erika: Well. Now you know that I'm completely on your side. I want both of those f'ers gone.
Erika: I'm just so embarrassed, Janelle.
Janie: You are? I am.
Erika: I'm so stupid. I feel really stupid.
Janie: I feel really stupid too.

Janie: How long have they been doing this though? Since like.. week 6?
Erika: That's when it started? After Kaysar left?
Erika; I just wanna throw shit. I'm really pissed off.
Janie: I'm not pissed off. I'm just really embarrassed. The way I was tricked. I't's just not fun.
Erika: This (indicating the two of them) is chilltown.

Erika: F-k. Alright, well, at least we got together in the nick of time.
Janie: Just think...
Erika: They'd be out here f'ing dancing.

Janie: The Big Picture?
Erika: (screams)
Janie: They offered it to you too?
Erika: Yes!
Janie: Like 150 each...

Erika: Oh - My - God. I'm fuming right now.
Erika: I hate them.
Erika: Oh my God. I'm so livid right now.
Janie: I'm just embarrassed that I believed this garbage.
Janie: When did they offer it to you?
Erika: When Danielle won HoH.
Janie: They offered me week 4.
Erika: They were like, you wanna invest in Dolce restaurants, don't you, Erika?
Janie: They were like, you can do a waitressing seminar and we'll just pay you really well.
Janie: It was so tempting.

Erika: We're smarter than this Janelle. How did we fall for this? The internet is going nuts right now. (correct)
Janie: They were telling us the same things.
Erika: And keeping us against eachother.
Janie: I'm so embarrassed.
Erika: I want to strangle them right now.

Erika: Lie to them like they lie to everyone else... You're safe, you're safe, you're safe.
Erika: We should do a dual diary room right now.
Janie: Will'll hear us.
Erika: Is he sleeping?
Janie: No, he told me to go get him some water, and I was like, ok.

Janie: I'm so embarrassed. But it's better that we found out now.

Erika: I'm so stupid.
Janie: Well, it's not a total f-k up. We got rid of a lot of people (lists them)... and for the final 2, we'll have it in the pool.

    ***As Chilltown was planning to do!
Erika: Oh Janelle. How did we ever let those 2 boys come between us?
Janie: People must have been laughing at us for the past couple months.
Erika: We have been played big time.
Janie: Good thing you were smart enough to talk though.
Erika: They really believed they could keep us apart.
Erika: It is BB Allstars.
Janie: They almost got away with it.
Erika: They almost got away with it.

Janie: Like Will would ever step down...
Erika: I can't believe I trusted them.
Janie: I had no one else to work with.
Erika: Of course.

Erika: We did all their work.

Will just got out of bed and came outside to get water... It's gotta be pretty stinking obvious to him now. The girls are sitting there together and he knows they've been there for quite some time now. he goes back inside.

Janie: He looks pissed.
Erika: Doesn't matter. he can't do anything.

Will's in the bathroom, comes out uses his mouthwash... janie goes in.. Tells Will she'll be in in another 5-10 minutes. She's just not sleepy and she doesn't want to keep him up.

Erika: Those Mother f'ers.
Janie: Can you believe what they've done? They ran the same game on both of us.
Janie: It's not so bad though. We can fix it.
Erika: We can beat Boogie.

Janie: I am so embarrassed. I have nothing to say for myself. It' s just my personality. I need someone and Will was there for me.
Erika: I know. Me too! That's why they wanted to get rid of Danielle so bad.

OK, it's now 3:30am BBT, and I don't see the gist of this conversation changing any time soon. It looks like Chilltown has taken on a new gender... and Will's a goner, unless he can pull a miracle out of his butt.

Will comes back outside a few minutes later. He's exhausted, but hanging out with the girls. Erika's not leaving. At this point, I can't imagine him being able to fix the damage.
    ***C=Venus! We need a new chop! The final 3 one may need a sex change operation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SO glad the girls started talking and figured this whole thing out. Even if Janelle does win the whole thing (which I think she will) the greatest satisfaction for not only me, but EVERYONE in sequester will be to see Will walk through that door.



6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! I effin' love you, Carolyn! I love that very last line to Venus!

Confession: My kitchen is a wreck. I have tons of house work to do. My husband is sick as a dog and will most probably come home early from work. He totally needs TLC. I feel bad for him, but right now, the ONLY thing I can think about is tonight's show. I am so anxious. So excited. So damn nervous about tonight, that I can't even move from this g'damn chair.

Holy Moly!

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about lack of sleep.........I went to bed last nite PRAYING Janie wouldn't change her mind..sounds like Will's a goner!!!!!!I came into this show a HUGE Will fan...lost respect for him long ago....and Boogie is just scum. CHICKS before DICKS!!!!!!!!

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FINALLY!!! It was killing me watching those girls get played like that!!! Chill Town needs an ass kicking!

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they pull this off.

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"oh hey Janelle.. its Erika..."
"oh hey, how are you"
"oh doing pretty good... I hear that Chill Town was planning their pool party for the final 2 and actually thought that they would both be there"
"Oh really.. well, thats too bad"

Now that would be a priceless DR!

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you guys think if Erika wins HOH she will keep her word and take Janelle or do you think she thinks she has a better chance against boogie? hopefully she is so pissed at him that she doesnt even wanna hand him second place!

9:12 AM  
Blogger S said...

So instead of "bros before Hos" it's now "chicks before D..) well you get it!

I give Erika lots of credit for talking calming and not begging to stay. And Janelle, well I hope she pulls of this twist!

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!! I know - I thought about that last night! Don't worry, I was getting kinda chopped out but this new devlopment has inspired me to work on a whole new series. :) Thank God J and E finally woke up! Go girlz!!


9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn! OMG - I KNOWW! We're on the same page - I was so thinking about that last night. How appropriate is the Samson & Delila chop now - she cut his hair, he lost his power!! I was getting kinda "chopped out" but this new turn of events has INSPIRED me to do a whole new crop o' chops!! This was long overdue - thank God J&E woke up before it was too late. Go girrrlllzzzz!!!!

Btw - it won't let me sign on I forgot my password can you email it to me? I had to post this as "anonymous" - thx


9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, I'm probably going to be divorcing soon. If so, I am going to hold Carla and Carolyn liable for attorney's fees. After all, It will have been THEIR FAULT!!!!!!!!I can't stay off this site. You ladies have done a WONDERFUL JOB!!!!!!

9:50 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Sarah - I agree 100%. Sequester's gonna go nuts. And Janie Will secure any votes she didn't already have for taking him out.
Stephen - I was imagining that same dual diary room last night. Shame the girls don't know aboutthose already. Perhaps they'll be able to do one, once the deed is done.
Meemma - lol. poor hubby. I can't believe I was up with them all night. I was sad about it though... I'm such a sucker for a brilliant, funny, beautiful boy... with killer lips and great hair.
Peaches & Adam's Mom - lol. I was thinking Chilltown, TNG.
C=Venus - On behalf of the dishchicks and Alllll our readers, We Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think i missed something... what happened that suddenly made Erika realize that Boogie was playin her? I mean, yah, i guess its kinda obvious but she was falling for it so long I was just wondering what was said or done to make her realize the truth? Also, does any notice that Boogie sort of looks like a cross between an oompa loompa and a munchkin from wizard of oz?

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad, Will deserves to win this thing. I really hate this format in where the HoH is pretty much meaningless since the PoV controls the voting power. I just hope Janelle wins the whole thing if she does vote Will out.

- Adam

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so excited for tonight's show :]

go janie!

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will definitely be the best eviction in Big Brother history! There's your "good tv" Will. Take it and put it where the sun don't shine.

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Janelle and Erika finally caught on. I was feeling really bad for Erika and her affection for Mike. How did she figure it out? Does anyone know????Please don't let Janelle change her mind. She will be forever be remembered as this change of event, if she pulls it off.

2:55 PM  

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