Ice Cream Treat
Boogie has been alone in the HoH, listening to music.Will, Janelle and Erika are hanging out in the kitchen.
Janelle is getting ice cream. She tells Will that she wants to eat it off his abs. Will declines and asks her why. Janelle says because he has the best abs in America. Janelle asks Will if Erika would join her if it would be ok. He pretends he doesn't want to, but you can tell he is thrilled with the, of course....he gives in.

Boogie comes out of the HoH room and sees them! He looked sad that he was left out!
Sorry. I just couldn't finish this one. These women are in eminent danger of losing the game. Eating ice cream off of Will's abs just blows his ego bigger than it already is.
first-time poster here! wow, that was a. um, steamy video. hilarious how boogie's just so despondent at being left out. good thing they probably won't show this on the actual show, huh?!
and for random purposes, i was listening to a song and as soon as the abnd sang the words "a real class act," boogie appeared on screen. seems to be his favorite compliment nowadays.
thanks for the updates! i love it!
My predictions Janelle will be voted out. Erika, Will, and Boogie play the last competition of the season. Will and Boogie are the final two. This sounds like a Star Wars movie to me. Will is the sith lord and Boogie is Anakin. Will is going to win the whole competition!
I don't know about Erika, but it could be that this is just strategy to Janelle. I, for one, would love to see Janelle walk away as the champ. Using her beauty and charm on Will.
hahahha. Boogie. hilarious. thanks for the posts!!! =D
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