BB7Dish - Ya Just Can't Get Enough

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

We're Here

Hey Everyone. :) We're here.. they're just not really doing much. As of 5pm BBT, Boogie and Erika are doing jedi training, Janie's sleeping, and I'm pretty sure that lump under the covers across the room from Jani means Will is too. As soon as someone fun wakes up, we'll let ya know.

In the meantime, I've been saving this chop I found for a special occasion, but now seems like a good time to bust it out. This is another by the chop-goddess C=Venus. Enjoy. Use it as a focal point. Meditate happy Janie power thoughts on it. ;) As you wish...

5:22pm Janie's awake & out of bed (bonus)... and the lump known as Will is stirring. yayyyy!!!

Janie's got munchies... Erika's in HoH stretching, Boogie's napping (ignoring Erika) in HoH, and Will's still a lump.

    ***Time to wake up and play with Janie, Will. Do something, BB!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

U R Awesum!!! Frankly I was grateful for the quiet day today...I actually got some things done (and even took a nap to make up for some of that lost sleep during last week's chaotic going ons!!) I hope Jannelle is as rested as I am...*thinking good thoughts*

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Pic. get going Janelle.. You go girl.

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the POV tonight or tomorrow?
Thnx for the updates!

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering when the POV is as well. Can you let us know? Thanks! I check in with you guys several times a day...I love what you're doing!

Janelle(for real)

7:13 PM  

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