Bad Boy Boogie
2:20 - 3:00am BBTJanelle tried really hard to explain the plan that SOV has to get out the floaters, Boogie: How about Marci, can't you take him out?
Janelle: If you want to take out Marci, win HoH and do something about it yourself.
Boogie: (really mad)You aren't as dumb as you act.
Boogie is really mad. He goes down to the BackYard and begins another drunken tirade about Janey...
Janey walks outside. Boogie, ofcourse, stops talking and the conversation goes to chatter. Janey goes inside to get ice cream, and Boogie re-commences his rant.
Boogie: She threw us all under the bus.
Boogie might as well be talking to a wall. In this case, he's preaching to Danielle, Marcellas, Kaysar, Erika, Diane Howie and Will. They all seem pretty amused by his antics, but no one's agreeing with him. Janey's smart - BIG newsflash. Throwing anyone under a bus? NO.
Will encourages Boogie's behavior, but when Janey comes back with her ice cream, Boogie leaves and goes to Kitchen.
Howie follows, to keep things from getting out of hand.
Boogie: (to Howie) James that Janey threatened me. She told me to get a HoH and do something about her running things in the house (Boogie's having selective memory about the events of the night - even so, he's clearly just drunk and emasculated) Boogie: ...since she threatened me, I'm gonna bring it.
Howie and James smile and say go ahead and win then, and they head upstairs.
Boogie: (yelling up to them) I hire women like her, but not her cause her highlights are bad. I could buy her.
Janey goes into the Bathroom and Boogie starts in on her again.

Janey: I like you Boogie. I'm not after you.
He's not listening... He keeps saying the same things over and over...
Boogie: You like Marcellas more than the SOVs.
Janey: I love Marcellas. I love you. I love everyone in the house.

Boogie leaves and goes to his Bedroom. He has a drunk conversation with the cameras about Janey being a bottle waitress with bad highlights. He's completely knockered... He's swaying and and having trouble focusing.
Around the house, we have...
HOH Room - Most of the HGs are having a political discussion about Bush and the war.
KITCHEN - Janey and Howie
BUG ROOM - Boogie, Jase and Dani
Boogie: (to Danielle) Don't wake the sleeping giant.
- ***Drunk people are so profound.
BACKYARD - Janey and Howie
Janey: The reason I told Boogie "he should win HoH if he doesn't like it" is because he told me he was going to put me and Marci up if I kept Marci in the house.
Janey an Howie are now a bit perplexed about who should go home. Both are mad at Boogie, and want to take Will away from him...
- ***Feels a bit like scolding a child by taking away his favorite toy.
3:00 - 3:15am BBT
BACKYARD - Janey and Howie
They continue considering the idea, and decide it would be a mistake.
Conversation stops when
Will comes out.
Then Kaysar and then Erika.
Apparently, James asked everyone to leave, so he could get some sleep.
Marci comes out.
Marcellas: I can't sleep. Marci gets pills from Will and gives 2 to Janey.
Conversation moves to the inane - a new jackshack under the lounger.
Howie: If you cover it, it's hiding from the cameras and BB gets mad.
Conversation further declines into talk of "jerking it" and "swingers clubs".
Kaysar and Janey both say they'll go with Howie to a swingers club, but neither of them sounds too convincing.
Marcellas: I'm not the boy at the bath house anymore. I'm famous. You can't do that shit.
Will: I'm going to bed.
Howie: (to Marcellas) Marci, Are you mad at me?
Marcellas: No.
Howie gives him kiss on cheek.
Marcellas: Why does the black guy always get thrown under the bus?
Erika's hanging around... and it seems pretty clear the others want to talk without her present, but Erika doesn't take hints, so Howie goes to take a shower ...
Howie: I'll be back in a few. (sings) M-A-R-C-I-M-O-U-S-E Marci Mouse!
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