Veto Ceremony
OK...a last word on Spoilers... Since we watch the feeds and report on them, Spoilers happen all the time... I'd have to post spoiler on almost every single post to keep everyone who doesn't want them 100% safe... So here's the last word: just about everything you see on this blog, below this paragraph is or was a spoiler at one time. Starting with...At long last, and after much debate, coercion, threats, fights, passion, deal making, strategy, blue dye, slop and head shaving -
The veto ceremony has happened...
And the new place of Chicken George, who took himself off the block, is:
The REAL Bar Whore...

Color us Janey Fans
And let us be the 1st to say,
Bye Bye, Bitch!
so who was replaced with jase? George or Will?
I dont know who I dislike more..Jase or James..ewww yuck..Hope someone has the nerve to put James up!!!! That would make me smile!!, hopefully Jase will go this time for doing the disgusting rap he did about Jannelle!!!!
I am so happy Janelle, Kaysar and Howie talked some sense into hard-headed, know-it-all James! Now, let's see how this plays out....
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