BB Gone Wild
OK.. BB's definitely gone wild tonight... Hot Tub Whip Cream Party... BathTub Party... lots of drinking...
Here's the sum-up:
Janelle and Erika put whipped cream on each other's necks and licked it off each other. Then they put it on each side of Mike's neck and Janelle and Erika each took a side and licked it off. Mike is in heaven and has to get out of the hot tub. They licked whipped cream off each other for about an hour or so. Then the girls attacked Will, and he acted like he was resisting since he has a girlfriend.
As you can see below, it's now descended into slamming Janey, really harshly, by Boogie. and hopefully, Bye Boogie, next week.
2am BBTime
BUG ROOM - Boogie and Jase
Boogie:(to Jase) I have a cocktail waitress whore trying to patronize me? I don't drink Patron, so don't try to Patron-ize me.
BACKYARD - Diane and Danielle
Cleaning up jacuzzi area
Danielle: I just don't wanna see anyone get backdoored. You hear what I'm sayin'?
Diane: yeah.
BUG ROOM - Boogie and Jase
Boogie: I'm so f'd up about her and her f'in whore ass... F'in whore, c---, trashbucket. If you have a jet, why would you settle for this whore? I will send her back to her f'in low wage... I f'in hate this Jase. Why the f'k are we here?
Enter Danielle.
Boogie: She goes, 'The only reason you and Will are in the game is because we left you in the game.' I'm like, Am I getting talked to by a cocktail waitress like this? No I'm not.' I said, "I'm not here to win a 1/2 million dollars, I'm here to crush your dreams." She said, "Go ahead, Boogie. Win an HoH."
Boogie: I will hide Howie's asthma medication, and when I leave, I'm taking Janelle's Dolce and Gabana sunglasses, and she can come suck a dick if she wants them back.
Boogie: We're in the bathtub, Howie standing over us like a bouncer... She says, "You wanna do something about it, Boogie? Why don't you Win an HoH and do something about it?" You know what that did to me? To my manhood?
Boogie: Everyone says how stupid she is, but she is dangerous. I told her, if me or Jase win HoH, I'm putting you up against Kaysar. He can't play for veto, and you have a 1 in 6 chance. "Go ahead Boogie. Win an hoh and lets see it happen."
Boogie:I'm sending one person back to unemployment and a life of misery. I'm just going to crush one persons dream, who tried to f-ck with me. Just send one person back to a life of nothingness.
Boogie: Know who I'd like to win this whole thing? (indicates Danielle) You're in an excellent position.
Here are the screenshots that led up to this rant...
Everyone looks so happy.

Me thinks Boogie has anger issues with women.
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