12:30pm BBTBACKYARD - James, Will
Sitting on the Red Couches
The Legion of Doom meeting will now come to order!
- ***Just kidding.
James: You are in here for the long term again. I don't know how you do it.
James is wondering why George didn't put up Janelle.
James: Maybe because he didn't want to backdoor her?
Will: I don't know.
James: If that's it, I think that was very noble of him.
- ***I agree 100%
Will: I didn't even tell Boogie it was going to be Howie. I thought Boogie would flip it. I wonder who did tell him.
James: Danielle.
Will: I did tell George to put me up, but then thought I could be gone.
James: Not. Janie and Howie would have voted for you to stay. Janie really trusts you and Boogie.
Will: She still trusts you too.
James: She has no choice now. But it's too late.
Will: If Erika wins the next HoH, she will put up me and Boogie.
Will: I'm trying to make a point, but I forgot what it was right in the middle of talking to you
James: Nothing in here is a good point.
Will: Right. It's all luck with a little bit of skill.
James: This is so funny. The first 2 weeks I tried to get them ,S6, to get rid of you and Boogie.
James: How long have you had an alliance with Danielle?
Will: Danielle really bridged the gap.
Will: I was never in an alliance with Danielle until the Legion of Doom.
They're discussing how the Legion of Doom came about.
- ***Boogie came to Will and said I got Danielle, and she can bring James.
Danielle joins them in the BACKYARD.
Will: How did Legion of Doom come together?
She reminds them.
They all remember it differently, and they're laughing at each other.
- ***very Rashomon.
They're all very proud of themselves and laughing at everyone else.
Danielle: It took a lot of good acting.
Will croses his arms and looks very pleased.
James: I told Janelle, "they do not dislike you as a person. They are just scared of you."
Dani and Will laugh.
They call a shout-out to Kaysar, "What up Kaysar?"
James: This season has the 3 most evil BB players ever.
- ***referring to himself, Will and Danielle.
Erika joins the group.
End of "honesty."
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