Still Whispering!
These 2 pics are from the wrap party, immediately following the live show last night. As you can see, our favorite twosome's lookin' pretty cozy, and Will's still whispering...
What we wanna know is, what on earth did he say to get that response from Janelle?! Check out the expression on her face in the pic below. She looks absolutely floored.
- *** Pardon me while I do the happy dance. Go Janie, Go!

I will miss them!! I'm such a LOSER...I'm re-watching the feeds. So weird to see all these people back in the house.
Soooo cute, I love it!
i have a feeling we'll see more of both of them...
Let's hope so Carolyn, let's hope so!!!! If you know where I can read about them or any info on them other than this site will you please msg me????
This was after the show, so he must've said something good for her to light up like that! Still don't know if it's real or not, but what a cute couple they make. Go Will & Janelle.
i love them together.
are there anymore wrap party pictures on the net yet?
Now THIS is the two that would make a great Amazing Race team!
Maybe I'm just too cynical but Janie's expression looks fake to me. I think she is trying to be brave.
Also, I heard Erin Brodie attended the wrap party and Will stayed away from Janie the whole time.
I am a loser and I have no life and it's sad to say I am really bummed that Janie and Will are not a real couple outside of the BB House. :-(
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