Housecalls 9-13
This is great stuff! Ya gotta check it out! :) Guess who's back on Housecalls?! All is right in the world. ;)To check out the rest of the clips, painstakingly put together by xx2000xx, here are the links to get you there...
Thanks for making our first foray into blogworld such a success! September 1st, we passed 100,000 visits to the blog - unreal. In the beginning, we were thrilled to have 150 in a day, and now we're averaging 4-5,000. We couldn't have done it without all your support. :) We'll be here blogging till the very end, and then we'll get started on the Survivor and TAR blogs... Please check the sidebar for those links.
Yuck. I can't stand Marcellas and he is in rare bitchy form today with all his delusional bashing of Janelle. He seems to have selective memory. It's also obvious the only reason he's mad at Janelle is because she screwed up HIS game. Maybe he and James should get together. They seem to both have the same theory that Janelle owed them something.
Carolyn, I have watched several of your videos and want to THANK YOU for doing such a great job. I am a huge Will and Janie fan. Your videos have made it easier to come down from my BB addiction. Keep up the great work!
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