Lights Out
At 12:07am BBT - BB announces lights will be turned of in 5 minutes. The HGs were told earlier today that they have to be up at 8:00am.There have been no more sightings since the last post. The HGs that saw the hauntings in the mirrors seem to think it was Alison and Jase. However, after looking at many screen caps, I am not so sure....especially about the possiblity of one being Jase.

At the moment, Erika and Kaysar are in the backyard. Kaysar is telling her how he feels betrayed and why he is so pissed off.
Check for the overnight updates in the morning! As always, if anything happens, I will post!!
I really do not think that this is Jase at all!! The eyes looks completely wrong... i havent seen the close up of Alision, but I really dont think this is Jase. Also.. my sister and I were talkin and we noticed that the Veto comp could have easily been done in a normal setting, wihtout the graves... so why was there the whole graveyard set up and then all of a sudden, after the veto stuff there are ghost faces popping up? There has to be some link to the faces and the veto... maybe the evicted house guests get to decide one house guest that gets kicked out and one of them get to replace them? Kind of like the ghosts of the evicted HGs coming back to haunt those who evicted them!!
wowwww I think it looks like Jack..from allisons season..the nice older guy but not jase..the twist will be great what ever it is.. I can't wait for more updates
That is HARDY! I've seen video of him recently giving an interview about his club, and that is definitely him.
There are several people on JokersUpdates that think the man looks like Bunky.
I defenitly think this is bunky from season 2. I have been watching him on haousecalls the big brother talk show every day. THATS BUNKY!!!!!!!!!
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