Slop & Cots
The Margarita Party beins in 5 minutes. The HGs are getting dressed up for it.10pm BBT
KITCHEN - Erika, James, George, Kaysar
Erika: We're on solitary confinement too, in a way.
- ***uh, minus the solitary part??
Erika goes over to the Weight Room door and hollers through it to Dani.
Erika: We love you honey. Hang in there.
BATHROOM - Howie & Janie
Janie's all dressed up and doing her hair...
Janie: Do you think Dani will take the deal?
Howie: Yeah, because Marci put the house on slop.
Janie: He did?
Howie: Yeah, he did.
Janie: Howie, I did. I got two of them.
Howie: Everyone is convinced that Marci did it, and Chilltown wants him out of the house bad.
Janie: I know.
Howie: You are the most dominant player in BB history.
Janie: I can compete for HOH for us next week.
Howie: It's going to be a crap shoot this week. Dani isn't competing, as long as Erika or Georgie dont get it, we're in business.
Janie: I put the house on slop. Marci got all the prizes, why would he do slop? Howie: Marci could have had enough points with the cots and slop to win all the prizes.
Janie: I'm sure I did the slop. I got two things, slop and cots.
BB: Howie, Erika and Kaysar, Please come to the Diary Room.
Howie leaves the bathroom.
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