BB7Dish - Ya Just Can't Get Enough

Thanks for making our first foray into blogworld such a success! September 1st, we passed 100,000 visits to the blog - unreal. In the beginning, we were thrilled to have 150 in a day, and now we're averaging 4-5,000. We couldn't have done it without all your support. :) We'll be here blogging till the very end, and then we'll get started on the Survivor and TAR blogs... Please check the sidebar for those links.


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They're Re-Running the Feeds!

Or, if You Need Help Cancelling the Feeds:

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cancelled Dodge Commercial

OK, this has absolutely nothing to do with BB7, but it's very funny, and I thought you'd get a kick out of it, so here ya go! :) Enjoy this cancelled commercial... gotta wonder why they pulled it out of circulation.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Will & Boogie Interview

Can't get enough of Chilltown? Here are the videos from their interview on real, shot last week. Enjoy!

Part One:

Part Two:


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Sequester House Clips

I just came across some funny clips of the sequester house put together by sweetspaces. Check these out. More proof of why there ought to be feeds from the sequester house... Sheesh! On the one hand, I can see the logic: they've been kicked out - at least allow them some privacy now. But, on the other hand, if you wanna keep people watching the feeds, and not have a mass exodus, as there was the moment Janelle got the boot, give the people what they want. When all the favorites are in sequester, it only makes sense!

This next one includes some great still shots of the HGs in both sequester houses, as well as having fun the wrap party! Appropriately titled "BB7 No Showmance Video!" hehe. The backlash begins.


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Kaysar's Chatting Today!

Sunday Sept. 24th - Kaysar Chat
This coming Sunday, Kaysar will be having a chat on his website! Don't miss out! If you are new and would like more information regarding his chats, please read the chatroom guide on the board. The chat will begin around 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern. If you are unable to attend, the transcript will be posted shortly after.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


For help connecting to the chat, click here: Help Me!

Vote for the Next

Howie, James & Jase are the 3 choices for the next interview on, and we decide who gets interviewed! Click on the link below and vote for your favorite! The Poll is on the bottom left side of the page.

Vote for who gets interviewed!

Help us reach Our Goal: Top 10 by the end!!
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