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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Veto Spoiler
***SPOILER*** * * * ** *** ** * * *
After more than 2 and a half hours of flames, the feeds are back on, and Janelle has won the veto!!! The comp was the morphing of HGs pictures like last season. Apparently, Janie did it in one minute!
Since we're STILL waiting for the flames to go away, so we can know who won the veto, I thought I'd post this cute little exchange between Will and Janie from around 3:30pm BBT, when she finally woke up. I don't know about you, but I've had far too little Will-Janie time in the past 24 hours.
3:30pm BBT KITCHEN - Will & Janie, Boogie, Chicken George Janie is cooking up a waffle. Janie: Will, do you want some of my waffle? Will: YES! Is that a euphemism? Laughter from everyone. Will: It's like eating newspaper, it’s like eating cardboard, it’s like eating... Janie: Shut up Will! Just leave if you don't like it! Will: (whispers) I'm sorry, Janelle. They continue to eat in silence, from the same plate. Will: I shouldn't hang out with you, because I'm annoying you. Janie: No, you aren’t, stay here.
In less happy news... here's the Janie-Will report from around 7:30pm BBT BUG ROOM - Janie & Will Janie's done putting on her make-up. She finds Will, pulls him into the bug room, and the following ensues: Janie: Swear to me on Erin’s life that you will save me. Will: I swear on Erin's life. Will: The only problem is if Danielle wins it… Janelle: Don't let her win it! Will: I gotta go… Janelle: No! I’ve been wanting to talk to you. Will: We can't right now.
***Make the bad feeling go away!! You MUST win it for yourself, Janie.
A few minutes pass...
Will is deep in thought, lying on the floor in the ant room. Janie comes in. Janie again tries to get him to talk to her, and he wont, saying they just can't talk now. Eventually, she leaves.
***I really want to believe he's just being cautious because there are people too nearby, and it's too close to comp time to arouse suspicions... I want to, but I need proof.
"Will mentally preparing to win his first comp ever."
Shortly before the veto comp, Will and Boogie had this little chat...
7:45pm BBT BUG ROOM - Will & Boogie
Will has just laid out his plan to Boogie: Will:
Get rid of Danielle this week. Get rid of Erika next week. Get rid of Janelle the week after. Get rid of George after that.
Boogie: You win it or Janelle. Will: (whispers to darn well) Boogie: I can get Erika to co-sign that. Will: (whispers too low to hear) Boogie: Sounds like a plan.
This is a clip from earlier today... This talk went on simultaneously with the Erika and Danielle strategy session in the HoH room. Will and Boogie discuss the end game, in two parts. Here's the thing. I don't think even the two of them are being honest with eachother anymore... Actually, I think Will's still being honest will Boogie, but Boogie's leaving out details about his conversations with Erika to Will. How about you?
2:00pm BBT HoH ROOM - Dani and Erika They've been up there plotting for quite a while now. Dani: This is how selfish this is but I have to tell you something. I tried to tell Boogie but he didn't get it. Will told me that Janelle was going to put up him, him and Boogie. Then I asked Boogie, who do you think the target is? It is not Will, it is you Boogie.' Dani: If Janelle can get rid of Boogie, then she would have Will all to herself. She would be a happy girl. Happy little princess...
Erika agrees.
Dani: I did try to be the honorable person, but I can't any more. Dani: I will take you to the final 2, no matter what. And, I am taking those 2 down. I'm gonna scumbag them. Erika laughs. Dani: When I get that HoH and then that nomination ceremony happens...
Dani's pantomiming the removeal of the keys.. big dramatic production...
Dani: George, you are safe ....then Erika you safe...and their two keys will not be in box. Kapow! It is chilly in this town.
Erika laughs.
Dani: I been working.
Dani: I had an epiphany and I realized, I can't be nice. Not if I'm going to win. Dani: I gotta do it. No more. Dani: When she asked me, "Do you feel like when you were in solitary confinement you got played?" Of course I do. I'm embarrassed and I'm angry. I'm gonna crush one of those guys dreams. I'm gonna take em out.
Erika's taking it all in. Doing an appropriate amount of agreeing with Dani. Truly, it's hard to tell with these two, who is lying more.
Dani: You gotta know your role, and I know mine. Haters, get those threads going. Dani is back. Dani: I got to win that HoH. Erika: It's time.
Boogie and Will got up a little while ago. They've made and ate breakfast, then decided that once they leave the house they will never cook another meal again. Boogie shared his Erika Pillow talk with Will as they ate their eggs. Seems Erika is now quite on board with the idea of getting Dani out this week. She even went as far as to suggest that if Chicken George comes off, she'll put Dani up in his place, and take her out that way. Boogie says to Will, "We didn't even think of that!" They're pretty pleased with themselves.
They move on to the Memory Wall and start studying. They continue quizzing eachother until...
At the moment, 1:00pm BBT, Will and Boogie are in the Workout Room, having a big strategy session... Time to turn on your feeds, folks.
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11:45am BBT KITCHEN - Dani & Erika They're joking around, and talking about Jase.
Dani: I could see him as a kid. Erika: It seems like forever since he was here. Dani: Yeah. Erika: It feels like it's going faster now. Dani: Yeah, kinda.
Chicken George enters.
George: There's only 4 keys in the wall.
George: Whoever thought up the Slop was creative. Dani: Are you crazy?! Erika: Sadistic bastards. George: If they wanted something that really messes you up, they did it.
George: That late night dinner was good last night.
***Something about George really reminds me of Homer Simpson... I think it's the comical way he relishes food - all the sex-type noises he makes in appreciation of it.
Also, since they introduced the slop, I've been thinking of the movie, "Defending Your Life," where the people who used a greater portion of their brains were able to thrive on what other "smaller brained" people couldn't even bear to taste. Anyone else make this connection? I'd bet money whoever came up with it did.
11:25am BBT HOH Room - Erika and Boogie Erika: Good Morning. Kissing...
Erika comes downstairs. Dani is still in the kitchen.
Erika: What time is it? Dani: It's 11:25. Erika: God. Dani: It must be a night time POV. Erika: huh? Dani: The PoV must be at night.
Erika: How did you sleep last night? Dani: The ant room throws me off. Either I get up to early or too late. Erika: That's how the red room was for me. You have no clue of time.
Erika goes into the bathroom. Chicken George is in there.. they continue talking about the bedrooms...
Feeds 1 & 2 show sleeping HGs Feeds 3 & 4 show Dani & Erika in the Kitchen
10:30 BBT Dani woke up a few minutes ago. So far she's the only one. All the other HGs are still Sleeping.
10:55BBT BACKYARD - Will & Dani Talking about Janie... Will: She got up again after we were all sleeping... Musta been around 3am. Will: She must've been up all night, because she got up for the day around 11pm last night.
***not true... she was not visible awake on the feeds after they all went to bed shortly after 3am. Good job planting the seeds though, Will.
Dani: That's great. She'll be all messed up and tired for the PoV today. Will: I'm going to go and have some eggs, and that's it, then some wine.
Will leaves the Backyard.
Dani soon follows.
Dani: If I could have hard liquor, I think I would be drunk the entire time in here.
Will leaves the Kitchen, and Dani starts cleaning.
11:05am BBT KITCHEN - Dani & Chicken George Dani: Maybe the POV will be tonight. George: Anyone else awake? Dani: Just me. The doc was up, but he must have gone back to bed.
Chicken George goes to the bathroom...
11:15am BBT Chicken George went back to bed. Dani's now the only one up, and she's making bacon...
***Now that's a great Mom trick! Wake everyone with the smell of bacon.
Has BB ever let them sleep this late on a Saturday?? When there's a Veto Comp?? I sure can't remember it.
Just have to send this out into the universe, so to speak. Can we all just focus on this image and send our positive vibes out to Janie? All I want is to see that "I am unbeatable" look on her face right before the Veto Comp today. When it's there, she truly is. Go Janie!!!
There is hope... and the beginnings of proof that all the showmancing from Boogie and all the gentle brainwashing from Will are beginning to pay off. At the moment, 2:15am BBT, Boogie and Erika are in bed, and she just uttered the following words, unsolicited.
"I was thinking today that Dani might actually win this game if she stays."
Ok.. I was just searching around youtube and found this video... My first thought was, this is the cheeziest thing I've ever seen... but then I got hooked into the fantasy of it. It's amazing what selective editing and a music score can do... No insult intended to the person who created it. It's very well done.. just preposterous.
Janelle is Happy with the Nominations... true, I already covered this in a post earlier, but I thought you'd like to see the video as well...
2 weeks of Free Live Feeds on SuperPass? As of this weekend, basically, that means the rest of the season. Seriously, it's free... what have you got to lose?
If you've never had the live feeds, now's a great time to check 'em out. You'll never go back to just tv watching again... yeah, you really do miss that much by not having the feeds.
10:20pm BBT Will's just come in from the Jacuzzi, had a shower, and goes to check on Janie...
She's still sleeping. Will comes in the Bug Room and sits on the edge of her bed.
Janie awakens.
Janie: What time is it? Will: Around 10:00. Will: You need to sleep tonight, so you can win the PoV tomorrow, ok? Will: I want you to win POV, and take yourself off, and then either Dani or I will go up.
Will: I will be up if you want to play cards. Janie: ok...
Will starts to leave, then goes back in and asks if she needs anything. Janie says no, and closes her eyes again. Will leaves and goes back outside.
***a couple things: first, I'm really glad he went in to check on her. I've been waiting for him to do just that. 2nd, I'm glad he reinforced to her that SHE needs to win the veto for herself - I've been having a bad feeling about her wanting him to play hero and take her off... 3rd, I really hope she just sleeps through the night. Lord knows she could use a good night and a half's sleep. 4th, I'm just glad he's being sweet to her. Janie's not so tough as she portrayed in her DR... Fake crying jag, my butt
8:15pm BBT BACKYARD - Boogie, Will, Dani and Erika
Erika: I'm bored.
She leaves the Backyard, thereby giving the 3 remaining an opportunity to talk.
Just Boogie, Will and Danielle now...
Dani: Has anybody talked to Janelle? Boogie: He has. (indicating Will) Will: She's not that worked up. She knew she was being nominated. She went and talked to Erika. I guess she was just ok with it. I dunno Dani. Will: I mean, how do you see things going down? Boogie: Well, it's pretty straightforward, isn't it? Will: I mean next week. Dani: We're taking her down, right? Will: Just don't let her win POV. Dani: She won't. Boogie: She cannot get that lucky again. Boogie: Next week... is that what you said? Will: Yeah. Boogie: Put up Erika and Chicken George. Dani: Chicken George or Erika, first? Will: I know you have a problem with Chicken George, right? Dani: Yeah. Will: I'm openminded. One of us 3 has to win HOH. Dani: yeah. Will: Would there be any benefit to keeping Janie over Chicken George? I don't see one. Dani: Have you lost your mind, Will? Will: I said I don't see one. Dani: No, why would you consider that? Will: I'm not. Boogie: Janie and Erika are beasts at these games. Erika tossed at least 3 HOH's. Dani: Look at the letters she got from home. Will: Dani, you're not going to have a problem getting rid of Erika, right? Dani: Absolutley not. Will: OK, done deal.
There's a pause in conversation while they play cards.
Dani: We gotta do what is best for the game. She is dangerous.
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This 5 bedroom, 5.5 bath, sleeps 10 guest and has an ocean view of Sea of Cortez. The nightly rates are $1980 - $2200. If you would like more information on the Villa Taz you can visit
The pictures on the left are from the villa and the pictures on the right are from last night's show:
Beware the real evil: Someone has created a 'donate to James' site, claiming that the funds raised will be given to Charity, and it is 100% illegitimate. Please, if you are a James fan, do not be taken in.
If any of the HGs so move you that you want to donate to a charity in their name, then sobeit, but you pick the charity, and you do it directly, not through an unscrupulous charlatan.
I'm happy to recommend a few... American Cancer Society's Relay for Life, Susan G. Komen Foundation, etc... but you certainly have your faves too.
I just spoke with the moderator of James' myspace, and they will be bulletin'ing all of James friends very soon. They just want you to know, the so-called charity site has nothing to do with James.
While Dani and Erika were having their meeting upstairs, Janie and the boys were meeting in the Bug Room...
6:15-6:30BBT BUG ROOM - Boogie, Janie Finally warmed up to eachother... There is hope.
Boogie: The best scenario is you win POV, and if you can't win it, Will will, and he'll save you, and then, even if she gets upset and figures it out, you guys can just save me.
***Note to Boogie: Please shorten your sentences.
Janie: Do you think Dani is going to try to get Will up though? Boogie: Yeah. Janie: That's awesome... cause they don't know we are protecting each other.
***Janie's catching on to the benefit of the stealth alliance, and not a moment too soon.
Boogie: Exactly. Janie: You told her that you're going to vote me out, right? Boogie: Oh yeah, but Danielle is actually worried about Chicken George. Erika is not. She wants to play him at the end, but Dani wants him gone. I told Chicken George you know who voted against you, right? He said yeah... just in case you stay. Janie: I think I can probably stay no matter what.
***here's hopin'
Boogie: Yeah, but then we have to go kamikazi style. Janie: The thing is, we cannot let Dani win it... Boogie: Yeah. Janie: Just to guarantee, don't let Chicken George or Dani win it. Boogie: I just hope it's like the dolls. Janie: I think you could win it, if it's physical. Janie: ... but i'm sure Dani is working to get me out. I want to get her out of here so bad. Boogie: She has got to go. You don't want her around here in the end. Janie: No, you don't. She's crazy. Her and Erika are both awesome in the competitions.
***I hope the mutual admiration society of Janie, Erika and Dani can come together after the game and tell eachother how much they like eachother & respect eachother's games. Yeah, I know, I'm a sap.
Boogie: Yeah,they are.
Boogie: I think Dani is actually nervous about Chicken George. Do you think that's an act? Janie: Yeah.. because she's scared of me. Boogie: Dani might have tried to be a little careful of that because Erika likes me...
Will enters the BUG ROOM
Will: Dani and Erika are upstairs. Janie: Did you see Danielle's eyes after I came out of the HOH room? Will: Yeah. I bet Erika is gonna tell Danielle what you said, and then Danielle is gonna come to us and be like, look, get rid of Chicken George and keep you... Janie: Awesome. Will: Totally. Will: I know you're in love with me, but we have to be buddy-buddy and convince them and win the PoV. Janie: (laughs at Will) You can't let Chicken George or Danielle win it, cause Chilltown will go up. Will: Yup. Boogie nods his agreement. Will: That would not be good, though if I go up, that's ok cause you guys will keep me. Boogie: (to Will, referring to Janie) I like her. Will: (smiles - in a well, duh, finally, kinda way) Yeah. Boogie: It's balls out the rest of the way. Janie: They will be so pissed. I love it. Boogie: We have to win this HoH. We've got to get Danielle out of here. Will: (to janie) What did you talk about with Erika? Janie: "I am not playing this game. I know I can't win. I have noone in this house. I am here for revenge." Boogie: (pumping fisty in the air) Yeah! Will: Tonight, you have to be Lance Showmance again. Boogie: Of course, tomorrow is a big day. Let me think... no.,there is no way I could get her to tank the PoV. Will: Dude we have to be quieter. We're getting brazen, and Chicken George is like "Chilltown is still here." Boogie: Yeah. Janie: He said that? Will: Let's go play cards and be seen.
BB delivered as promised, and no one's happier than Doctor Delicious. The trampoline arrived about an hour ago, and Will hasn't been out of it yet. Gotta love the childlike enthusiasm.
The rest of the HGs are conserving energy, not wanting to work up an appetite while they're on slop, which they're pretty sure is only until midnight.
Dani enters the HoH room, and she and Erika hug. Erika: Was that ok? Dani: No, you were perfect. Dani: What did Janelle say? Erika" "I understand why you did it." I look at her with those little doe eyes, and I feel so bad. I'm like, why am I here nominating her? I just can't break through that season 6 barrier... Dani: She had people around her - Howie, Kaysar, Marcellas... Dani: It's a game. Erika: Now I just feel shitty. Dani: You're feeling like I felt about Kaysar. Erika: God, that just killed me, I can't believe I nominated Janelle. Dani: She nominated you twice. Erika: I feel guilty.
Chatter, then...
Dani: I love Chicken George, but he's just so loud, his laughter it just echos.
Erika keeps going on about how hard it was to nom Janelle, cause she likes her, she really really likes everyone... (puke) Erika: I see your mind going whats up? Dani: Chicken George, he makes me nervous. Erika: You're not thinking about voting Chicken George out over Janelle? Dani: No, no not at all. Erika: It was the right choice to put her up, right? Dani: What else are you going to do? Erika: I don't want her to take it personally. I'm a huge fan I don't know if she gets that. Dani: I told Janie that when she won the last POV that I was in awe.
2:50pm BBT BATHROOM - George He's sleeping on the red couch, looking very satisfied after his big meal.
CUT TO: HOH ROOM - Dani & Erika They're talking genially about Chicken George, saying how happy they are to see him eating real food.
comfortable silence... both are lost in thought
Dani: You don't think she's working with Chilltown, do you? Erika: I don't know.
CUT TO: BATHROOM - Janie and George George: You just need to put youself in Erika's shoes. Erika will do what is best for her, just like you would do what is best if you were HoH. I think it's gonna be you and me on the block this week.
***Gee, George.. why's that? Cuz Erika told you last night in the jacuzzi?
George: I think she wants me out.
Jani: I think I hold the Big Brother record for being nominated. I've been on the block nine times. George: It's great how you fight back all nine times. You are bad to the bone, Janie. You're a tough competitor. George: Whoever marries you better watch out!
George dissolves into a giggle fit. Chatter.. then
Janie: Everyone wants me out of the house. George: You're the best person in here. It's a great honor.
Janie: I'm telling her that if I win POV, I'm going to go after Chilltown. George: That's up to you, but do you want to make waves with Chilltown? Janie: (mutters something about Danielle) George: ...if you look at it rationally, it's probably my turn. If you're sitting in that chair, you've got a 50-50 chance you're hitting the door. You know how fast things turn. You have to look at Erika's point of view, who nominated her? Me and you. PB baby, it's our turn. I don't know. Maybe she won't. Janie: There's not any people left.
Janie: After today, this will be my 8th or 9th nomination - that's a BB record.
She counts it up...9 times
Janie: I don't think anyone can beat me, even if Erika got nominated every single time till the end. I 've got the record. George: Now that's a record.
They high five.
Janie: Yeah, I'm scrappy. George: How did you get so tough? Janie: In Minnesota. George: Did you play football? Janie: No, I had 2 brothers.
George starts recounting the Texas holdem poker game the other night.
George: - You came in , and you didn't even know how to play, and you whooped everybody. You deserve to be here girl. Wow, when you go into that zone look out Janie: Do you think the POV will be tough tomorrow? I'm worried the guys might win it, the guys are tough. George: Its the girls that are tough, it's not the guys that you have to worry about... it's the girls. Whatever it is, you'll be fine. Janie: I know, remember what I said last week, everyone is against me in the house, I take it personal. George: You can't do that. you should feel honored. Janie: I don't want to be the girl everyone fears. George: It's not negative, though. It's positive, it's respect, you can do anything you want to do. Imagine you in real life, you're beautiful, smart, you know you could do anything you want, you could be a brain surgeon. Janie: I don't want to do that. George: Not everyone can do that but you have the package going on. Janie: I do? George: Oh yeah, you don't have that ditzy blonde thing going on, you're athletic. Janie; You think I'm athletic? George: You came in here with your own competition gloves. They're not for pulling daisies. George: You have so many gifts to be thankful for.
Will calls out to George from the Kitchen Will: Who are you talking to Chicken George? George: Myself. Both George and Janie are laughing. BB: Janelle, please come to the Diary Room.
2:30pm BBT HoH ROOM - Erika & Will He's still selling. Is she buying? Will: If we go backwards, it's us in Final 3, then 4th is Chicken George... OK, what can you do? Do the best you can. I refuse to worry about it, cause Chilltown has the best chance statistically. Will: Then um... we need to do a DR about Chilltown with us 3, we'll say we were asking for wine.
***pull those strings, Will.
Will: I did the funniest DR with Janie the other night. She was in her baywatch bathing suit, so I did a whole skit about that. Erika: I was debating on wearing a Chilltown t-shirt to the nomination ceremony. Will: No.. but do it to a DR session. Erika: I was thinking about taking off my sweatshirt and it's a Chilltown shirt underneath. Will: It's a little to much like Howie... (mimics him)"we have the numbers George" Will: What would have been awesome is if we were sitting in the nomination chairs, and Boogie had used his power, and then Boogie goes "James and Janelle, you are nominated."
They chat a bit...
2:40pm BBT Will: If Dani makes it to Final 2, she's gonna win. Erika: You have got to win the next HOH. Will: I feel like Boogie could even beat Janie in the Final 2.
Thy discuss how they think it would go with the jury votes.
Will: You could beat Janelle in the finals. You can't beat Dani in the finals.
***ok, sign me up. i am officially in the dr will fan club. way to support janie, will.
Will: This is the irony of the show: you could beat everyone here in the finals except Danielle. Erika: That's how it was in my season with Jack. Will: If Janelle wins the PoV, tell Dani, look, I don't want Chilltown mad, flip it on her and vote her out, then she'll be mad at Chilltown, instead of you.
Danielle comes up to HoH. End of strategy session, for now...
The Food Comp outcome: Today - slop Saturday - Meat and Alcohol Sunday - Meat and Alcohol Monday - Meat and Alcohol Tuesday - Five Star Meal
Also, George got a 1 week slop pass! Pretty sure Dani gave it to him.
After the comp/lockdown/etc...
1:15pm BBT BATHROOM - Will, Janie, Danielle, Erika Will is in the shower on one side. Janelle just went into the other one. Will: I'm buck naked in a room with 3 girls. This is nuts. They all start singing. FLAMES Dani took all the towels. Will:I have no problem with nudity... But if I'm going to be nude, then everyone should be. Dani's giggling about the towel situation. She relents and brings him one after Will says he'll get her back, he'll climb into her bed buck-ass naked one night.
GREEN BEDROOM - Will & Boogie - Private conversation Boogie has an icepack on his knee...
Boogie: If Janie can get the PoV, then Dani may go up and out. Boogie: We have to decide if we can lose Janie and go Kamikaze. Dani wont like "the big picture." Will: It's better not to lose Janelle. Boogie: I don't want to scare Erika off by being too bossy about who is going up. Boogie: I don't think in the next 3 hours I can get Erika NOT to put up Janelle. Boogie: You win POV and save Janie. Will: She should do it. It's cool that Janie and Erika are good for the banana bread. We need Dani to go, since she probably wants it all herself, she won't share. Will: Erika is starting to think and ask awkward questions. We don't have her under control. You need to work Erika more.
2:00pm BBT HOH ROOM - Will & Erika Will's been up in the HoH with Erika working his magic for aboutthe past 15 minutes. He's trying to get Erika to not nominate Janie, and instead to get rid of Danielle first... then Janie. He's running all kinds of different scenarios by her., always assuring her he has her best interests at heart. He tells her about the 1 week truce that Danielle offered Janelle, and how now Danielle is alligned with everyone in the house except for Chicken George.
Will moves on to talk about the Final 3 comp with Boogie, Erika and himself, and how he will walk away from an endurance comp and go to sequester.
Then Will goes back to talking about Danielle and how he's concerned she will put up Chilltown. Erika doesn't think so. Erika believe Dani would put up Chicken George and Will, and she lets Will know that Dani has said that she wants Chicken George gone.
Will brings home the get rid of Dani idea with a reminder about how she will to anything to win for her family.
At 2:25, Will's stil up in HoH, trying to work his magic. The man could sell ice to eskimos. I wish him well.
As we head into the weekend, this is really the last opportunity to take advantage of getting your 2 weeks of Free Live Feeds on SuperPass. And since you've waited till now, basically, that means the rest of the season. Seriously, it's free... what have you got to lose?
If you've never had the live feeds, now's the time to check 'em out, and see what you've been missing. Once you see just how much that is, and how much your opinions are manipulated by editing choices, you'll never go back to just watching the tv show again!
The feeds are back! And the food comp is over. Seems the HGs will be on Meat and Liquor for most of the week... and Slop. Here's some pics from right before the comp.
Will getting all studly for camera time...
hehe.. He didn't know there were costumes... Will the bumblebee
Look how skinny George looks!
As cute as they all look, from their talking now, it sounds like it was a really tough comp. Funny, and Fun, but tough and exhausting! The HGs are all pooped now, hanging out on the red couch outside.
There was also a luxury component to the comp. They're getting a trampoline tonight -Will tells them not to listen to BB about only going on it one at a time, and we get flames - lol. ... Sunday will be Christmas in August, though they're not sure what that means yet.. it sure sounds good. Today, they're all on slop, and then they get meat and liquor, and by the end of the week, they get a real feast. Also, they lost the red room... seems it was a trade for the trampoline, but they're just now realizing the inequity of the trade: they lose the red room for a week, but they only get the tramp for 3 days. At the moment, they're on exterior lockdown...
1:12pm BBT BB: Houseguests. This is a lockdown. please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
hehe.. kinda like cattle today.
They all start singing a Beatles tune, Live and Let Live.
We've had flames for about 30 minutes now... Very likely, they are either doing the food comp, or about to start.
In the meantime, here are a few key points from yesterday evening, in video.
The first video shows Will counseling Janie, very soon after Erika won HoH. Janie knows in her heart she's going up...
This next video is Boogie supposedly doing his assignment, turning up the showmance... and working Erika, or trying. Frankly, he gives up a lot more information than I thought he would... Who's working who here? And is Boogie ultimately going to screw Will over? To his credit, he does get Dani's name into the mix of veto replacement nominees...
10:40am BBT All the Hgs are up, except Janie and Will. Danielle and Chicken George are already beginning a cleaning marathon day - he's going to do the heavy stuff, and she'll do the touch ups. Boogie's working out. Erika's in the Kitchen.
BB:(stern voice) Will! I said its time to get up for the day. Chicken George: He will get up, put his hat on, and go back to bed. BB: Janelle WILL, WILL, WILL, JANELLE...
Janelle is now awake, but still in bed. BB just played Janelle's Mother's wakeup call. Janie: That's my Mom!
But she didn't get up.
10:50am BBT Dani's in the Workout Room putting on make-up. Chicken George is sitting at the bar. Boogie's doing pull-ups on the stairs.
11:00am BBT Jani and Will are still refusing to get out of bed.
No one is going outside, so I'm thinking they are on a lockdown, while the food comp is being set up in the backyard.
Boogie sings, and we get flames.
11:07am BBT Jani and Will are still in bed, but BB's made progress: They are awake.
Dani enters the Bug Room. Dani: They are building something massive in the Backyard. Will: Well, Daddy wants to see that! Will gets up out of bed. Dani: BB told me the food comp would be a fun.
Will and Dani ask BB to play "What A Man".
Dani & Will join the rest of the HGs in the kitchen. They're talking about Dani's Oprah moment from last night.
Because there was so much together time tonight, Will and Janie have very little alone time together... strategy time... And what little they do have is soon interrupted by Danielle, who sticks to them like glue.
Around 2am BBT BACKYARD - Will and Janie Alone at last. As we join this conversation, Will is trying to get Janie to see the importance of her pushing for Erika to work with her, by promising to vote out whoever she says during the following week. Will: Promise Erika that if you win HOH next week, you won't put her up. Lie to her. Will: Get in her ear early. Janie: She knows how I feel about her. She's not going to want to work with me. Will: Make a deal with her, she doesn't put you or Boogie up, then she'll put me and Chicken George or Dani up. Janie: I can't see her doing that. Will: Say you won't put her up next week, lie to her, tell her you'll vote out whoever she wants. She won't be able to play HOH, we'll get somebody else kicked out, then we'll roll over her. Janie: Right. Will: Get up earlier than 1:00 and try to deal wiht her. Janie: Are you goning to talk to her? Will: No, 'cause I never talk game with her. Boogie's talking for me, as we speak. Boogie is going to try and persuade her not to put you and me up.
***Well, he's half right, kinda...
Janie: Then why do you come talk to me? And not Boogie? Will: Because I didn't want him to. Janie: Why? Will: Cause I wanted to talk to you. You're very suspicious. Janie: I'm not suspicious.
They're playing cards.... Will accuses her of cheating, she denies it, she keeps touching his knee, tells him he has nice eyebrows, very handsome.
Will: Does that work in your real life? Janie: No. Will: Works here. Is that how you always beat me so badly? Janie: Oh stop.
They continue playing...
Janie: God, you're annoying. Will: You cheat. Janie: I hate you. Will: By hate, do you mean the opposite of hate?
Danielle comes out, and Will tells her that Janelle is cheating. Janelle denies it, they are checking the rules with Danielle...
Danielle: You guys are playing Janelle rummy.
Will goes out first, they count, he wins!
Danielle stays out there smoking, chatting about playing cards with her kids. Alone time is done for the night... Will steal Erika's mattress and comforter, and Dani moves into the bug room with them.
3:00am - 3:30am BBT A bit later... BUG ROOM - Will, Janie, Dani Dani - Tell us about the first time you fell in love, Will. Will: I've told it before, but ok... Dani: You can't help who you fall in love with, but you can help who you marry. Will mentions how much he loves Erin... Dani: I'll be happy to talk to her for you when the show's over. Janie tells the story of her first love... They met in high school calculus class, Janie: He was dorky at first, but he helped me with math, and I fell for him. We were together for 7 months. I was going to move to LA, and he was going into the army. We lost contact, and then 2 years ago, he sent me an email saying we should meet up. I was concerned, because he was really serious about me, so I met him in Minnesotta, and we spent a week together and fell in love again. I didn't know what to do, 'cause it was hard long distance, so I left then came back. I broke up with him... He wanted to get married to me, and I got freaked out. I didn't know why, but I felt like I wanted to experience life more, and I was young.
Will keeps comparing her story to alliances in the house, and Janie keeps telling him to shut up.
Janie: I didn't want to become an air force wife. It was just bad timing, and the relationship fell apart, because I couldn't be with him. Then last January I called him, and he's with a girlfriend. Danielle: You still love him. Janie: yeah. Danielle: See, she really loves him, but isn't ready. Will: We chase things that run away. Danielle is analyzing the relationship. Will: Janie, I'm so confused. You have a boyfriend too. Danielle: You need to have some closure with that. Janie: Well, it's messed up... Our final break up was when he was deployed... Janie: I just couldn't picture myself as an air force life. Danielle: You would have been unhappy, you did the right thing out of respect for him and yourself. Danielle: Did youu say,"I love you?" You made a big mistake. Janie: Yeah, but the girl he's with now wants what he wants. Will: Well, then he doesn't see you for the special person you are. Will: Dani, you should know that I'll be calling you for advice all the time now. Dani: Love isn't everything, but respect, common goals, that's what you want. Jani: You don't think love is everything? Dani: No.
The HGs had a pretty nice night together outside, mostly re-hashing their seasons, funny or harsh exits (Howie's now ranks as the worst from them), odd twists, etc. Fear not, there was some strategizing, but not so much, since they were all together most of the time. Boogie's Chilltown assignment is to work Erika, and get Will off her radar. And at around 1:00am BBT, they went upstairs and got down to business... and strategy.
DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM - Will & Boogie Will is in the shower B talking to him, whispering. Boogie: I'm going up stairs to the HOH - gotta go to work, working some overtime in the BB house...
Boogie goes up.
1:00-1:30am BBT HOH ROOM - Boogie & Erika
Erika and Boogie are curled up in her big, super comfy looking chair, smoochin'. Boogie: I'm excited for you to win, long overdue. Boogie: I was worried we'd have to go up against Dani. Erika: I don't think you have to worry about Dani. Boogie: Dani just runs to whoever has the (HOH) power. She's just so dangerous.
***make Points one and two. Check.
Erika: What are we doing with Will and Janie? Erika: Let's be frank. What's going on? Boogie: I think the idea was that Will was setting it up so that if Janie won HOH she wouldn't put him up. She and I have not had a convo since she didn't win HOH. I think Will is gonna keep it up until we see what happens in POV.
***Screeching brakes!! Whoa there, Boogie. That's a bit too honest.
Erika: I'm putting up Janie and Chicken George. If one of them gets POV, then Will is going up. Boogie: Why? Erika: So he goes to sequester and gets us the votes. BoogieL What if Janie POV's? Erika: If Janie wins POV, which she probably will... Boogie: What is your relationship with Dani? Erika: Well you have Will. I have noone. Boogie: Of course. She's a great ally. Boogie: So we're keeping Chicken George... You'd rather lose Will than Chicken George? Because Chicken George is beatable...
Erika: ...but Will is perfectly happy going to the jury. Boogie: ...but the idea was when there were 4 of us. Is Dani really that far off your radar? Erika: Well, it would really be scumbagging her. Erika: Tell me what you think. Are you really sure Will shouldn't go to jury? Erika: If Will wins POV, are you definitely taking him to final 2? Boogie: Depends on the financials. If you agree to the big picture, then we'll decide. Erika: We've already talked about that.
Erika: Why didn't you use your special power to put up Janelle? Boogie: Instead of Howie? Because I was concerned about retaliation. I knew you were safe, and us three were in the final 6. Boogie: I'm not afraid of Janelle like everyone else is. Erika: I'm not either. Boogie: They've built her up into this thing, so she intimidates everyone.
Erika: My allegiance is to you, and I feel like yours is to Will. Boogie: I'm happy to send Will to the jury, but I think there are still too many people left.
Boogie: We don't really need to have this conversation now, the idea is to get Janie out, we can have this conversation Saturday night. Erika: We're four right now, cause I have Chicken George. Boogie: (laughs a little)You have Chicken George? Erika: I think I do. Boogie: How does he feel about being a pawn? Erika: I told him earlier in the hot tub... he's fine. Erika: If Chicken George wins POV, Will goes up, so you and Dani still vote out Janelle. Boogie: I can't just treat Will like that. Since when does Dani take precedence over him? Erika: Mike, talk openly with me.
Erika: If I put up Danielle with Janelle, you guys are still going ot vote out Janelle?
Boogie: Yeah. Boogie: If Janie pov's herself, can I tell Will oh, by the way, blah blah blah, it's a tough situation... Erika: Talk openly with me, MIke. Don't bullshit me. Boogie: It's tough. I didn't think you would say that. Erika: But he said he would go to the jury. Boogie: Maybe he misrepresented. Erika: I mean I want him to stay in the house. Boogie: I think he meant that if it was me, you, Will and Chicken George then he'll go, as long as we have the agreement. Boogie: I really think he came back this time for me, he doesn't need it, and he knows I want to win. Erika: Lets just make out. Boogie: Why don't we just hang out relax enjoy your HoH...
Smooching and Snuggling... but strategy is never far from Boogie's mind. He makes all his Dani points in pretty quick succession, now that he feels he's got Erika primed.
Boogie: ...thing is if Danielle goes up, it's still all cool, 'cause we won't vote her out. Boogie: If Danielle had won, she would have put up Janelle and Will.
Boogie: If Danielle gets to the final two, it's over. She'll beat us. She's got Howie, Janie and Marcellas. Erika: ...but she was alligned with me, so she's got an excuse, but no, she's got to go... Erika: ...after Will. Boogie: No, after Janelle.
Boogie: Can you imagine a final 4 of you, me, Will and Chicken George? Erika: Let's not get a head of ourselves. Boogie: Let's just relax and enjoy your room, your pictures.
They get in bed.. spooning.. peaceful for a moment, then Erika rolls over and says... Erika: If I find out you're playing me. I'll kick your ass. Boogie: Me?! playing you?! Come on, Erika. You're a bad ass player.
As is stands right now, Erika is planning on nominating Janelle and Chicken George. She told George a few minutes ago in the hot tub, and assured him that again, he was the pawn, and Janelle the target. While it bothers me to see Janie up on the block, I have to give Erika credit for not taking the slimy way out and backdooring her. At least this way, Janelle will have the opportunity to Veto herself off.
In my ideal world, Will wins the Veto and uses it on Janelle. That way he's safe, and so is she, and Erika's only options are Boogie and Dani. But... I don't completely trust that Will would stick his neck out like that for Janie. While Will is definitely still campaigning for her, he'd also know that Boogie becomes a target if he takes her off.
What's making me even more uneasy is the double eviction on Thursday. I'm running scenarios through my head:
1. Both of Erika's nominees are toast, period, end of story. 2. Whoever wins the HoH comp Thursday night has to evict someone on the spot... 3. or nominate on the spot, and the HGs do a 2nd live eviction. 4. Whoever comes in last in the HoH comp is instantly evicted.
What are your thoughts on next Thursday night's show? How do you think it's going to go down? We have a week to speculate and drive ourselves nuts, right? ;) Lets begin.
First and foremost I have to give a major thanks to my business partner, Mr. Lonnie Moore. I didn't expect to make the show, much less make it this far. Sorry I've been gone so long and thank you for holding down the LA scene and the Atlanta build-out.
Big shouts to (all his friends and business associates at Dolce Group and his other restaurants).
Hope those Red Sox are holding it down while I'm locked up like Akon.
Hi to all my family: Mom, Nan, Uncle Rick, Tony, Debbie, Ed, T, Paula and all the Cheneys, Brittons and Barasso's watching from afar. I want you all to know I am having MUCH more fun this time as you can probably see on the tv screen!
My fellow houseguests want me to pass along a few well wishes: Will: Erin he wants to remind you we are competing on a tv show. He loves you very much and talks about you ALL the time. Things aren't always as they seem as you would know. He misses you and Scout so much! Erika: Happy Birthday mom and hi to my brother. James: Sara he loves and misses you (I can't wait to meet you as well) Chicken George: Hi to his family and friends in Rockford, Illinois Danielle: hello to all her family and friends...she misses you! Janelle........she's been HOH so much she already said everything!
Everybody enjoy the rest of the show.....hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of me.
Say what you will about James, and heaven knows many of you do, tonight's episode he showed that he is truly, beyond the shadow of a doubt, a class act. The was the most gentlemanly exit Big Brother has ever seen. He paused to hug absolutely everyone, and you could feel the love through the television set. No one armed, pat pat hugs. He came, he played to the best of his ability, and when it was all said and done, he warmly congratulated those that had bested him.
His post show interview with Julie Chen solidified this position. Instead of spewing bile like so many before him, he glorified the remaining houseguests.
Well, no re-dos this time! Erika got her HoH room!
Some of the goodies in her basket included a Cold Play CD, a picture of her mom and brother, chocolate chip cookies her mom made, Top Ramen noodles, and of course wine!!
Hard to believe, but Big Brother Allstars is drawing to a close. If for whatever reason, you didn't get the live feeds yet, now's your chance to see the last 2 weeks free. Then, when the show's over, the choice is yours whether or not to keep the service.
Julie Chen: Next week, big surprises are in store for the houseguests.
After commercial break and a brief chat with the houseguest
Julie: Who will Erika put on the chopping block? Find out Sunday at 8. And, Tuesday at 8, will the power of veto save one of Erika’s nominees from eviction? Hurricane Howie may no longer be in the house, but another storm is about to hit the All Stars. Next Thursday at 8, it’s a week’s worth of Big Brother, all-in-one, action packed live hour. That night two people will be walking out the front door, and the houseguests won’t know what hit them!
20 minutes before live showtime... feeds are on...
WORKOUT ROOM - James & Boogie
James is trying very hard to get Boogie's tie breaker vote. James just told Boogie that he spoke with Will, and that Will has promised him his vote. Boogie said, well I hope he does.
James: If you guys send me home, you've lost Danielle also. You need to understand that.
They call Will in, and Will says he was concerned about James not really playing for HoH, etc., etc... now that's all cleared up, and James has promised him he will.
Will says he's voting to keep James.
Is he??? Perhaps James is safe after all... Or perhaps Will's lying as usual...
Well, it's one way to guarantee Janie wins HoH... omg, she will be fuming. No wonder they don't have any real knives in that kitchen... Will would wake up castrated.
So it's flame day, and I'm searching around for something to keep you entertained, and lookie what I found. TheRealDeal strikes again. He just put together this gorgeous tribute to Howie and Janelle, and it is well worth watching - until the very end (for a giggle).
Last night, Janie told Will that she doesn't feel like she can do it without Howie... the Jedi training... It was such a sweet moment, albeit worrisome, that the timing of this tribute vid just seems perfect.
In further Howie news, his sister put together a donation site for Howie's fans. Here's the link: I got word from the nice folks that moderate Howie's myspace page that it is 100% legit.
This clip from this afternoon shows Dani breaking the news to James that he's going home. I wonder if this means it will be a unanimous vote? So she and Erika can keep their cards held somewhat close...
Carolyn...noticed in todays Los Angeles Times that Mike Boogie was at a private investors dinner for his restaurant group on Tuesday night. Any chance we can verify this? Is there any footage of him on Tuesday night on the live feed. Very suspicious! Publish Reject (Anonymous) 12:21 PM
OK.. I've searched on the site and I can't find the mention anywhere. Can any of you?
Also, looking back through the blog, there was a TON of footage of Boogie from Tuesday night.. early in the evening, plotting with Will, and later on, in the bathtub and bed with Erika... for 2 hours solid, there was nothing but that on the feeds.
Still, the meeting could have happened. Who knows. Boogie's a business man. It wouldn't surprise me if he'd had the foresite to have that option written into his contract.
HoH ROOM - Will & Boogie Noon BBT A break in the flames for some very important strategizing...
Will's telling Boogie to be careful what he says about the girls in the DR, because they may be leading him one way or the other, intentionally.
Will: I have got to tell you. Over the last 2 or 3 days, I have zero, ZERO concern that Janelle is playing us. Dude, I'm telling you, I am telling you, she is definitely not. There's not a lot I know, but I know this is true... she's not doin' it.
Boogie: If she is, we've been gotten by the best.
Boogie is less sure about Erika.
Will: I do have the potential to win HoH, but if I do, the gig is up. Who would I put up? Boogie: Exactly. I don't think you should
Will: If I put up Dani and Janelle, Erika votes out Janelle. .. I could put up Dani and Erika, and tell them they're both safe, and that we're backdooring Janelle. You & I win the POV, not use it, and get rid of one of 'em. Janelle is going Right At Them, right at them...
Will: If we can get Janelle to win it this week, that would be the perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect situation.
If Dani wins it, she's putting me and Janelle up. She told me last night. Not in a bad way... She wants either Janelle or Erika gone, depending on who wins PoV.
***Update: 10:00am BBT, and the HGs are still sleeping. BB's grown a heart. ***10:20am BBT, No more Mr. Nice BB. Everybody up! (details to follow soon)
BB started the wake up calls at 9am - it's a cruel, cruel world. It's now 9:15BBT, and the only action has been James getting up to use the bathroom, wash his hands, and get back into bed.
Boogie's the only one who didn't get drunk last night, so he ought to be up and around, and not hungover pretty soon... but he's the only one.
Ironic that the only one who can't play for HoH tonight will very likely be the only one not able to feel his eyelashes grow today.
It's a big day, today, Houseguests! Up 'n Attem! Live Eviction. HoH Comp. New HoH... and whatever else BB decides to throw at them, and us.
SO here's the questions:
What's your take? Please leave your answers in the comments section here on the blog.
Who will be evicted today?
Who will win HoH?
Is "operation double date" doomed now because of Will's skittishness?
Will and Janie are just getting out of the shower, both just wearing towels, putting on moisturizer, brushing teeth, etc. Will starts singing and ...FLAMES
Janie: Why did you say that? Will: It was just a joke. Janie: But you're making fun of me. Will: I was lauging with you not at you. Janie: Well it wasn't funny to me. Will: I would never try to purposefully hurt you.
They whisper too quietly to catch what they're saying... They do a lot of that lately!
Will starts singing again, and - FLAMES briefly.
Janie is standing in the shower, combing her hair.
Janie: How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Will: About 5, you? Janie: 2 Will: more like two thousand...
Will: Hey, I'm going to bed. Janie: Ok, I'm so sad, I'll be up all alone. Will: Are you mad at me? Janie: No, Will, I'm not mad at you.
Janie's still in shower, Will is getting into bed.
CUT TO: James is a bit wobbly, ok more than a bit... James gets up out of bed and goes to bathroom. He mumbles something to Janie and goes into the toilet room. Janie:(happy for company) Hi, whats going on? James: I'm tired. I'm drunk. Janie: seriously James: ya, night Janie.
James gets back into bed.
I do not envy him the headache he will have when he wakes up.
Janie stays up a while longer, studying the memory wall and reading her bible, and finally gets into bed around 3:45am...
And THAT's the end of the overnights! ;) Commentary to come soon...
At 10:35BBT - 2:00am BBT BACKYARD - Will & Janie & Red Wine They're seated next to eachother on the red couch... flirting in high gear...
Will: Do you wanna get in the hot tub? Janie: Are you? Will: Yeah but I don't have to... silence in the backyard Janie lays her head down on the red couch next to Will, who can't stop smiling at her. He tips up her wine glass to her mouth. Janie whispers something in his ear, and asks him to think of it. Will: I will. I will think of it soon. Janie: I want you to think of it tonight. Janie's all smiles. Will can't decide if he should drink wine or not. Janie: Keep drinking it. Will:... but you tolerate it better than me. Will: And then I will be hungover, and you will kick my ass in the HOH.
Dani comes over and solves this dilemma for Will, pouring a full glass of wine down his throat.
11:50pm BBT They're still on the couch... whispering in each others ears and getting very close. They are equally flirting, Will is more often than not the instigator. Janie gets a little too close and... Will piles up some pillows between them. Will: Boogie come sit between us. Janie: (pouts) I'm offended. Will: I need an appropriate barrier. Dani comes over and pokes Will with her fingers, he puts her on his lap. Dani positions herself on the other side of Will,and the 3 share a cigarette. Janie holds the cig to his mouth and he keeps puffing on it, saying "Boogie I'm not smoking."
Janie goes inside to get changed for the Hot tub.
Will jumps up on the pool table, and Boogie and Erika try to play around him. Will: This is the perspective you need to learn pool. Will: I'm training for HoH, dodging stuff. BB: Will stop that. Will: Dudes, get off my ass.
Janie comes back out a few minutes later in a red one piece. Will: What is this? Baywatch?
Take lots of wine, a bit of Jacuzzi, add stir crazy HGs, and the following videos make perfect sense.
More Hot Tub Spin the Bottle
Oughta be Lovers Quarrel - This is a small portion of the conversation... Enough so you'll get the drift. Will always gets wigged out when janelle gets in the Jacuzzi, and this is the first time she's been in since the 1st spin the bottle night.
Just so it's very clear, Janie's feelings were really hurt last night. After a couple weeks of hardcore flirting with and from Will, the minute they get back into the hot tub, he freaks again... as if he can't position himself and stay far enough away from her. It seemed pretty clear she had believed much of his nonsense before this point... Not so now.
Post madness Game Chat Between Will and Dani... Always the opportunist, Will grabs at this chance to further the strategy with Dani, saying "please keep Janie away from me.. She just wants me for a showmance, then dump me and send me packin."
Following this exchange with Will, Dani goes inside, and helps a very drunk James into bed, bringing him water, really mothering him, and promising she will do her best to work her magic so he stays. James is laughing telling her he went and told Janie and Will the DR wanted to see them... and he made it up.
After this exchange, Dani goes to dry her hair, and then we have sleeping HGs on all four feeds.
Will: As much as I respect Dani in the game, she has to go. Will: I don't respect Erika. Janie: I think she's been throwing comps. She can do alot more then she lets on. Will: ...but could she win in the finals?
Will mentions he had a conversation with Boogie about trusting Janie over Erika for the Final 3... and he's not lying.
Janie: I think you would win if I brought you to the Final 2. Will: Gee, thanks. You're sweet. Janie: You would have a chance over me cause half the jury hates me. Janie: Boogie wouldn't bring me to the Final 2. Will: That's probaly true.
work it, Will.
Will: If it's Erika in the final 3 with Chilltown, Erika might keep Boogie cause they are a showmance, but if she is as backstabbing as we think... same with Dani.
Will goes on to talk about the Coup d'Etat, and why Boogie didn't use it...
Will: If Boogie was up against you Janie, he would have used the power on Chicken George's HOH week.
He goes through the list of who they could have used it on and why they didn't.
Will: I definitely wasn't gonna let you leave.
8:15pm BBT BACKYARD - Will, Boogie, Janie Boogie: Tomorrow, I'm going to tell Erika I'm getting really nervous, and I'll tell her that she needs to stay out of harms way.
Jani: and I'm going to talk to James and tell him that Chilltown is coming after me, and that I don't like Boogie, and that I'm going to work with Dani, because we are going to go after Chilltown together.
Boogie: ... maybe Dani will stop crying.
They agree that Dani is just working at setting up the jury, feels like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders, and that she was just so burned by last time...
James is spending the evening trying to assure himself the votes to stay in the house. Until today, he was feeling very confident about it, but with Dani crying all day... his confidence has waned.
First up, he approached Erika: 7:14pm BBT Green Room - Erika & James Erika: I just really don't know what to do. She tells James that she feels like she really owes Chicken George for last week, and James' point is, Well, what about all the other weeks when i was fighting for you.
Dani returns from meeting with Dr. Zachary in the DR. her mood is much improved, and she has all manner of nice things to say about the doctor. BB's coddling her a bit tonight - they got her Top Ramen.
7:30pm BBT Erika tells Dani they have to have a red room talk and that James is not invited.
Erika: I don't know what to do. What are you doing? Dani: Don't make it a tie. Erika: I promised Chicken George I wouldn't vote him out. I never made a promise to James. Dani: I'll go after Chilltown this week. James will have to put up Chilltown if he stays. Erika: James told Janie that if he gets HOH he's putting me up. Dani: I want James to stay cause Chilltown will go after James in the Alph Male syndrome. Dani: Girl, I tell you it's the right thing to do! Dani: Dr. Zachery made me see that the Solitary confinment was my breaking point. Dani: Let Chilltown think I have their back. Let them think it's ok to lie to people, and let them walk out the door. I'm gonna eat my top ramen and get a good night sleep and prepare for tomorrow. Janie won't put up CT cause they saved James. Then it's just gonna be you and I, Erika, against them 4. You have to get back in with Janie, Erika. Erika: This is to intense. I can't deal. Dani: You gotta do what ya gotta do. Dani: Why are you torn all of a sudden? Why are you questioning yourself all of a sudden? Erika: I just don't know what to do. James is such a huge threat. He will turn. Dani: The advice Dr Zachery shared with me is that you can't be guilty about your choices.
James is trying to convince Boogie that Chicken George has to go. James: I'll be pissed if Chicken George makes it to the end. Then all this will have been for nothing. James: I want the 4 of us (Legion if Doom) to make it to the final 4. Even the Nerd Herd couldn't do that last year.
James: No one will put up Chicken George. James: If Janelle puts up Chicken George, it's a waste. James: If I go tomorrow, Dani will be coming after Chill Town.
Boogie: We lined up for the Veto last week, and I thought "What is Chicken George even doing here?"
Boogie: The thing is, if that dude can eat slop for 60 days, how long do you think his mother f'ing ass is gonna stand on a log?
***very good point.
Boogie: There's no way, my motivation. I wouldn't be motivated enough to do it.
James: Someone will think they can beat him (Chicken George) in the next two. James: That's when he pops out the Kaysar Source shit and becomes the Big Brother expert.
James: Before the Legion of Doom came up, I told Janelle that she was protecting Will and would end up f'ing us (Season 6), and now Howie's gone because of it.
Boogie's letting James talk, but not letting on anything.
The proceed to talking about Howie, and being in the sequester house, and how mad he is... James: Imagine how Chicken George will feel when he has to face Howie in sequester.
Boogie: Don't underestimate Danielle. She knows people think of her as that player, and if she needs to go back on that...
James: You have to listen to how she words things. She'll say "If I'm HoH next week I'll make sure your key comes out of the box." She may make sure your key comes out of the box, but that doesn't mean your ass won't go up after the veto ceremony.
Boogie: She won't be able to keep her word to win the game, and she's here to make that wrong right from 4 years ago. In a lot of ways, I'm already satisfied because I'm good on the playing. Of course, I want to win. It's her and Will - it's all or nothing. They have nowhere to go but down because they did so well.
James: Another bonus of us getting to the final 4 is there's no question. You and Will are playing for each other. Danielle and I are playing for each other at that point.
BB: Erika, please do not obstruct your microphone.
James: (jolted back to reality by BB's voice) You'll be talking about everyday life and you'll hear that and go "oh yeah, I'm on the block. I could be going home tomorrow."
4:00pm BBT RED ROOM - Dani & Erika Dani's been a wreck all day...
They're talking very quietly.
Dani: I need to talk to Dr. Zachary. Erika: You should, it made me feel so much better. Dani: I am very anxious to get back home. Erika: It is a very emotional game.
Dani: Your feelings are easily hurt. This is not the Dani that the producers thought....I am an emotional wreck. Erika: But we are still here and playing the game. Dani: Kaysar, Alison, they all had it easy. Erika:It's emotional.
Dani sniffling... very weepy...
More on Dr. Zachary Dani: Is she gonna make me cry more? Dani: I am between a rock and a hard place - I am damned if I do, damned if I don't
***about James
Erika: Its a crazy game
4:07pm BBT We re-join Erika and Dani in the Red Room, whispering.
Erika: I know I am still going after her.
***lemme guess.. only one other "her" left...
Dani: You have to. Erika: I know. Erika: Put her and Chicken George up. Dani: If I had the power... I don't understand... He had the power and he didnt put her up.
***it's not clear if she's referring to Boogie or Chicken George here in terms of the "he" in question.
Dani: Who did Boogie tell you to nominate? Erika: CG and ______
***couldn't hear.. have to assume it's Janie though
CUT TO: BUG ROOM - Janie and Will The flirtation continues... Will: Are you more or less commited to Miami? Janie: I love it there, but I'm open minded. Will: It's a beautiful city. My license has expired there, but it wouldn't be that hard to get it renewed. I'm pretty open minded as well...
***like both told Boogie privately and on separate occassions last night, "Flirting with ____ is a full time job!"
1:25pm BBT BACKYARD - Dani, James Playing Cards, Talking. Dani: Why is Chicken George sitting over there in the corner? James: He feels safe.
Then James begins asking Dani about the votes.
Dani: About 2 or 3 days ago, I told Chicken George that I have to do what is best for me in the game, so he hasen't had to say anything to me. James: I would hate to go out the way Howie did. Dani: It would be in there best interest not to screw me over.
***buying James jury vote if he's there
James: They would have lost the jury if I go, ya know? Dani: What do you mean? Stick with them and go all the way to the end? James: No, no what I'm saying... Dani: I know.
CUT TO: KITCHEN - Will, Boogie and Erika They're actually studying house trivia for tomorrow's HoH. Will's laughing over how many he's getting wrong.
Jani is sleeping in the bug room.
Chicken George is in the corner in the backyard, sitting by himself.
Erika: I was really intoxicated last night. Will: No doubt. Will: I woke up and I was still drunk.
10:40am BBT BB: Erika, please come to the Diary Room. Will or James: Can you ask them for another bottle wine, some sandwich bags, and 6 or 7 bottles of Wine for Dani? Erika: OK... Cory, I'll be right there.
Then she says it again a couple minutes later.
James: No one wants me to sleep in here before 5am. Why the f-ck are you all singing? Shut the f-ck up.
***Thank you kiss for James... at least he's tryin'
11:30am BBT - BACKYARD - Will, Erika, James, Chicken George, Boogie, Dani Will is talking about the Diary Room session he did with Janelle last night...
***And the mystery is solved!! Contrary to popular belief, No one was asleep in the control room last night while we were all being tortured by the Boogie & Erika scene (and lack thereof - 1 hour of them lying there in silence, perhaps sleeping - on all four feeds. Janie & Will were in the Diary Room...
Will: We were in there over 2 hours..just cutting jokes and things like that. There's a new girl in there doing the Diary Room sessions.
CUT TO: Will & Dani They are speaking privately. Will has a worried look on his face. Will: You gotta talk to Boogie today. Dani: OK. Will is whispering about Boogie getting nervous. Conversation is barely audible, but enough to hear Dani agree to Will's plan.
12 Noon BBT KITCHEN - James & George BB: George, please do not obstruct your microphone. James: Stop trying to plot a strategie, George. BB: Thank You.
CUT TO: BACKYARD - Dani, alone. Dani is on the red couch by herself, sitting in silence. She looks to be crying: wiping tears and sniffling.
10:00am - 10:30am BBT BBT BACKYARD - Boogie & Will Will is telling Boogie about the Diary Room session with Janelle. Boogie: Sitting in the chair? You mean romantically? Will: All I can say is I play my part on this show.
It seems the conversation Will and Janie were referring to last night - as "August 22" - was in reference to splitting the "banana bread" aka $$.
Will: Janie is concerned that when I leave, you may bot be with her. Boogie: This is all very Nicole & Will right now. Will: I have zero insecurity with our (his and Janie's) relationship right now. She knows that she has noone in the house. Boogie: We're not committed to the "banana bread" yet are we? I don't want to do that until we see what happens. Will: No.
Will: If I win HOH this week, Janie plans to walk over to the corner and start crying to make everyone think she's scared.
10:07 FLAMES
10:08am BBT Will has gone from the Backyard. Chicken George comes out.
Boogie: Do you feel good about tomorrow? George: yeah. Boogie: You have nothing to worry about.
George: I've lost close to 20 pounds. Boogie: That's a hell of a diet plan. Goerge giggles.
Erika joins them outside.
George: I've been on slop for 27 days. The only thing I want to do is tell James I did it because he didn't think I could.
George: The only thing I heard from your room last night was "Like a Beast!"
***lol... consider yourself the lucky one, George!
James is up. He joins them.
They are discussing the final show and final voting. Boogie: I didn't know that you vote on the live show.
Boogie: My season didn't vote on the live on the finale. James: Mine did. Erika: Mine did. Chicken George: So you tell who you're voting for?
Boogie: And the winner of BB All Stars is Chicken George, but he's fainted.
They're all cracking up so bad.
James: Let him die. And now we have to give it to Will. Chicken George: ... and the girls spike it saying lets go shopping! Let's get some M&Ms! That'll be the first thing I want when I wake up in the hospital. My luck will be something like I don't pay the taxes! James: Then you could be like Richard Hatch. Chicken George: Yeah... CBS All Stars, and there could be an All Stars jail!
Erika: 6 years. Boogie: 6 years?! 6 YEARS?! James: Mega is in jail on tax evasion. It's federal. Chicken George could sit in there with him and the typo guy. Chicken George: I got one for ya, Eat a dick!!
***Go Georgie!!
They crack up again.
Will joins the group outside. They continue reality show chatter then...
Will: I don't know what happened last night, but when you walk in the DR and they say "that was PG-13 to R" it can't be good.
James goes inside. Will is no longer visible either. Erika, Boogie and George sit there in silence.
At 9:00am BBT, there was music, the HGs stirred a bit, and then flames.
9:15am BBT, Still Flames.
9:32am BBT, Flames are doused. Boogie and Chicken George are up.
And so the day begins...
KITCHEN - Chicken George and Boogie They're talking about last night. Chicken George: I'm tired of being the designated driver.
Boogie in kitchen putting ice in a glass, getting a drink. Walks around the kitchen a bit. Grabs a paper towel and blows his nose.
George: Did you guys have a late night? Boogie: Not necessarily. George: Did you get any more booze? Boogie: Yeah, we got another bottle of wine. George: I don't mind being the designated driver, but sometimes I get tired of it. Boogie: Better you than me. Boogie: Oh! You mean being in the house with everybody drinking? George: Yeah, sometimes I'd just like to have one.
Boogie's making eggs. George went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
Boogie: Why did BB wake us up??
George gets in the shower. Boogie's still making eggs, drinking diet coke.
9:45am BBT Flames again. 2nd wake-up call?
9:46am BBT Boogie's alone in the kitchen... Perhaps he's talking to BB. Boogie: I'm here when you need me. You were there for me last night. BB: Mike, Please go to the diary room.
Boogie finishes his eggs and goes to the DR.
All 4 feeds are showing Chicken George weighing himself in the Workout room, and then following him to the bathroom to brush his teeth...again.
Boogie is still in the DR.
No other HGs are visible.
9:55am Mike comes out of the DR. George gets called in. George: Are we nominating today?
***he means voting.
Boogie: No.
FLAMES (quickly)
BACKYARD - Boogie Boogie's sitting outside eating his eggs. He gives a shout out to Joe Arnold. Boogie: Are you holding down operations? How's Atlanta coming? FLAMES.
Judging by this Entertainment Weekly interview with Howie, all is not peaches and cream in sequester...
"So was it nice to see Marcellas at the evictee house? I saw Marcellas the second I walked in. He was playing cards. We watched a couple of tapes of the HOHs and the power-of-veto ceremonies. I cursed out everyone who planned my demise, and he wasn't happy about that because he's still friends with Boogie and Erika. He was offended. But it's a big house. Lots of grounds. A big beach. I don't see him except meals — lunch and dinner. No biggie. I was never really friends with Marcellas before Big Brother or in the house, so I couldn't really care less. He's a bunch of negative annoying energy."
This is from early tuesday evening - Will & Boogie talking about who is the ideal final 2. It's a private conversation, so we can assume they're being truthful.. though I'm starting to have my doubts about how truthful they are with eachother.
Will: So remember what we talked about? Janie: Ya, why? Will: Lets refer to that as our conversation on August 22. Janie: Huh, for game purposes? Will: No about outside the game. Janelle: ok.
They chat about where their parents live, Will's mullet...
Will: You should let your hair go back to your normal colour. Janie: I dyed my hair black in high school . Will: Why, cause you were into Nine Inch Nails? Janie: ya Will: (brushing his teeth) We have to get Erika out. Will: You and Boogie are going to win it. Janie: But I don't want you to go out. Will: Aug 22. Janie: I want you to stay. Will: ok.
Will: wanna play cards now? Janie - ok
more chatter...
1:15 BBT BACKYARD - Will & Janie Dealing cards...
Will: I'm not gonna get weird about this but I liked what we talked about Janie: Me too .
Will: So, if I win we're going to Aruba, if you win we're going to the Bahamas? Janie: This hand or the whole game? Will: How's your hand? Janie: uh.. Will: (smiles) Just this hand then.
Will: (wins) So I guess we're going to the Bahamas. Janie Will! Will: Is it the worst thing in the world to go to the Bahamas with me? Janie: No, I would like it. Will: Good. Will: Did I just catch you looking at me? Janie: (smile) I'm always looking at you.
1:30 BBT BACKYARD - Will & Janie
Will: (laughing) The producers thought I was having a romance with one of the camera people when I was shmoozing to the live feeders.
Will starts singing "SPACE COWBOY" and we get flames...
Quickly back.
They continue playing and chatting a little while longer, betting time together doing fun things for winning and losing... Sea World and the Monkey Jungle, he'll show her around LA ... They're up together for another hour, then both head to bed around 2:30...
Janie doesn't stay there long. She gets up to take off her makeup, put on a mask and go study the house. Then to bed.
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