BB7Dish - Ya Just Can't Get Enough

Thanks for making our first foray into blogworld such a success! September 1st, we passed 100,000 visits to the blog - unreal. In the beginning, we were thrilled to have 150 in a day, and now we're averaging 4-5,000. We couldn't have done it without all your support. :) We'll be here blogging till the very end, and then we'll get started on the Survivor and TAR blogs... Please check the sidebar for those links.


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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Afternoon Update

5:15pm - There has not been much activity. James, Janelle and George had yet another discussion about last season. Reliving how many times Janelle and James where on the block. Marcellas joined the conversation, talked about Amy, and relived his dumb decision of not using the veto in season 3.

3:15pm - Will asked Danielle if Jason's still a virgin, "I don't know, that's something you'd have to ask Jason." she replied. Will said, "That means 'no' he's in L.A. banging." This group is convinced that George is BB genius and must be the next HG to go. They thing he's smart, "...and that dumb guy act of his is wearing thin..." They feel George has been studying since BB1 and knows more than anyone else. James and Ali are in the kitchen talking. Here is a video clip of their converstation:

3:00pm - The houseguests have been sitting by the pool, talking about all the cool stuff they wish they were doing. Earlier, the they had Howie practicing dating etiquette by acting out a date with Erika. Here is a clip...

Stay tuned.....

First Nude of the Year

I thought I would post a few funny pics of the houseguests!

This is the first nude shot of BB7. Of course, it is Howie! Not a bad little ass, if you ask me!

Now I see why Mike is called "Boogie"! Gross!!

Even NASA loves Janelle! Wait...don't they have a Space Shuttle in orbit now?!

Morning Wrap Up

Ok's been an uneventful morning, but here is what you may have missed.....

11:00am - Ali and Kaysar were in the kitchen. Ali broke the coffee pot. She is such a clutz! BB tells the HG that the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. Jase was sleeping in and I still haven't seen Marcellas moving around yet. It's still breakfast time in the kitchen and George is making egg white omelets and bacon. Will is eating yogurt and granola.

10:00am - George is in the shower. Nakomis and Danielle are outside making small talk. Alison is up and her head still hurts from bumping it during yesterday's Veto Comp.

9:41am - George is up now. He said he doesn't like sleeping upstairs. He heads outside with Danielle and Nakomis. Danielle is trying to work out the washing machine. She wants to wash her clothes before everyone else gets up.

9:15am - Nakomis gets up and goes to the bathroom and does her morning rituals. Danielle up changing batteries on mic and checking the fridge in storage room. Nakomis and Danielle talk about staying in bed past 7am. I can hear someone snoring. They are now talking about tattoos and beauty products. Danielle is making coffee, chit chatting about flip flops that she bought at the store being so comfortable. Will is talking about over the counter products like Aveeno being best. Danielle says she is wearing her husbands pants. Nakomis saying she took some of Donald's clothes and would he be mad if they got deep fried? (What the hell does that mean?)

8:15am - Someone is snoring, maybe George. Boogie isn't impressed and seems agitated.

8:00 am - Boogie goes to the bathroom and back to bed.

7:45am - Marcellas goes to the bathroom and back to bed.

7:33am - James had to use the bathroom and went back to bed. Someone passed gas, really loud.

7:00am - Jase got up and went to the bathroom and back to bed.

6:52am - The house is quiet. No one awake.

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Live Feed Clips

Kaysar and Erika Playing Pool

Group Sex Talk

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Since alllll the HGs are still sleeping, I thought I'd put up some notable quotes and happenings from after midnight last night/this early morning, depending on your perspective...

James approaches Jase and Janelle:

"George is in the gym asking me shit about the backdoor method for veto, trying to process in his mind ways to backdoor stronger players because he's too fucking weak to win challenges and do it himself! I told him, if someone backdoors me, they should tell their kids and family on the live feeds goodbye, cause I'm gonna throw them off the fucking balcony!"

Re: Chicken George
"He's getting nervous..."

JANELLE: Because he knows he's the next target...
JAMES: Someone is going to start something to make sure that the next target is put on us...
JANELLE: He probably knows he's going to be a pawn, you know?
JASE: Danielle and a bunch of people were talking about it outside earlier...the six finger plan...backdoor.
JANELLE: But there won't be a backdoor this year. Barring the random selection.
JASE: If HOH's could compete back to back, how crazy would that be!?

Re: Kaysar
MARCELLAS: Maybe Kaysar doesn't wanna cut his hair because he's growing it out?
JANELLE: Why would he do that?
MARCELLAS: Well, you gotta have something to do for 3 months while you're waiting for your 500g's. We all know Kaysar's gonna win!

Re: Erika and Janelle in Bathroom

Erika revealing to Janelle the fact the house is ganging up on Season 6, Janelle says shes nervous, and is freaking out..

Erika: "You're a huge threat, you're highly popular,.. but you're a great player.."
Janelle: "Has anyone said anything to you directly"
Erika: "No definetly not" (liar)
Janelle: "Im just so nervous.. I didn't want to be this big threat"

Re: Gentleman Howie
Kaysar, James and Howie chatting by the hammock. Kaysar says that he's going to move to Florida. James jokingly says that Kaysar is going to marry Janelle.
-Kaysar and James decide they are going to try and teach Howie to become a gentleman. James thinks it might be hopeless, but Kaysar has faith.

The Jedi Council
Janelle and Howie are brainstorming on new names for the sov 4:
- The Jedi Council
- The Jedi Ways
- Jedi All Stars
- The Kaysar 6
- The Hurricane Howies
- The BBsixers
- The New Sov
- Revenge of the Sov
- The William Kirbysteins

Sounds like they have decided on the Jedi Council.

Chicken George walks in and compliments James on his hat. James says that it is Janelles, but he is wearing it as a shout-out for his fans, because they are called 'the James Army' and he explains to George that Kaysar has his cult, Howie has his kool-aid drinkers and he has his army. Then James thanks the fans for voting him back.

Lies and Strategy around 5:30-6am EST
Will, Dani and Diane talking strategy in the bathroom. Will reiterates that he won't go to sequester - he wants to go out sooner, or else he'll be "forced to play the game". Dani says no one's talking game, no one's talking of alliances.

Will says he caught Howie talking to Jase alone and Howie talking to Janey alone. Howie's obviously smarter than he's letting on.

Dani sees no other alliances yet. Will says George, Nakomis and Erika. Dani points out that George is pretending he knows nothing about other seasons, but it's obvious he's watched them.

Diane says she can't read Jase this year, that he's not talking to her.

Will says no one's talking strategy to him. Dani says the same thing. Everyone's keeping their cards very close.

All 3 think Janelle can win this game. She won first HOH and veto, and she's a bad ass.

Will suggests putting up Howie and Janelle to bust up Season 6. Dani knows James is the first to swing from that group. Will says Boogie is threatened by James.


And the HGs are STILL sleeping! ok.. back for more later. :)

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Early AM Update

6:49am HGTime - Not a creature is stirring, but camera 1 has a lovely shot of Kaysar sleeping like an angel... sigh... I'm loathe to let it go, and move on to another, but alas, duty calls... Quadcam, here I come. Nope, not even Nakomis is awake yet.

OK.. so here's some information about the HGs you wont get anywhere else: Kaysar is a fetal position sleeper. Howie sleeps on his side, covers kicked off, with one hand between his legs and the other holding his head - doesn't look very restful at all. There aren't close enough shots on the other HGs at the moment to tell you about them, but 7am HGTime, and they're all still sleepin'. Good news is, no buzzsaw snoring this morning.

Friday, July 07, 2006

No Mo Reality Ho!!!

Please allow me an Andy Rooney moment or two...I am really feeling the need to rant about Alison!

What it is about Alison that makes CBS want her on their reality shows? Why invest the time and money on her?She was on BB4 and lost, then she and her boyfriend, Donny, were on The Amazing Race and lost…..and now she is an All Star?! Please! There is nothing about her that makes her an allstar! She has no "star" quality to her at all. She's barely even average. Worse, she has the personality of a toad!

Have any of the houseguests mentioned they like her? I have not heard anyone saying they want to allign with her. She acts all high and mighty, dictating who should go and in what order, but in reality, she has zero control, zero power and will likely be the first to go. Thank goodness. I applaud Janelle and Jase for putting her on the block. Now, with Janelle having won the veto, the smartest move would be to take out Alison…NOW…while they have a chance! Do not let her manipulate her way into second place like she did last time! I cannot bear to see her all summer!

Dear BB/CBS powers that be: Please, No Mo' Reality Ho!

James & Janelle Chatter

1:20am EST
James and Janey are in the Workout room talking strategy.. who to trust, who not... talking about "dangerous women." And now re-capping the veto comp, and basically talking trash about non-sov's.
Janey: So you'll definitely vote for Allison.
James: yeah. sure. I'll vote for whoever we decide on. Whoever's good for us.
Janey:Do you think Danielle will come after me next week?
James: She wont tell me because of our relationship with you. I don't think putting up both of them was a good idea.
Janey: why??
James: Because, either way, it's like.. Aaaaah!!!
James: Just get it done.
Janey: Will cornered me in the storage room earlier, trying to make deals with me...
Janey: Allison already packed her bags. that's f'in awesome.
(someone really need to teach james to breathe when he's lifting weights)

Random Thoughts

It's 1am, I'm watching the feeds, and it occurs to me, more than all-stars, what's notable to me about this cast is they are far and away the most feed-concious, web-concious cast ever. They mention the feeds a lot. They discuss how certain poses, positions and phrases of theirs will be photo-shopped and on net blasts by tomorrow. they even go so far as to talk about making it entertaining for the feeds - how to cause drama so the feed audience is happy... Perhaps I'm oversensitive to it, so I'm catching every little comment, but unless one of them is calling out my name, I'd rather they stop all the talk about the feeds.

Midnight Rundown

OK... here's the post veto comp rundown for the past few hours...

Sad Girls
Ali: "It's very uncomfortable to be here. I can't do that shit to strangers. I'm getting along with everyone.. but I'm annoyed with some people, as is everyone else. Janelle wanted me out day one before I shook her hand."
Dani: "You sure?"
Ali: "Jase was your pick, I was hers. Which means Kaysar and Howie and all them back that up.. which means dead man walking! So I wouldn't worry about you."
Dani: "I always worry."
Ali: "I'm not begging those assholes for a vote. I'm too proud of a person."
Dani: "I'm too proud too."
Ali: "I don't wanna stay here for another week. I couldn't handle sequester, not with all of these.. My personality doesn't click with some. There are some people that are nice, calm, and quiet.. some that are really kind."

Mean Girls
Diane can't stand Chicken George, but she felt bad for Cowboy during her season because she knows he's retarded, and he can't help it.
Allison: "Janelle only won cause she's at home in the garbage. She's only good because she's used to living in it."
Diane: "just like home."
James comes in, and they want to put makeup on him, he says no - and to ask Howie.

Fake Girl on the Block
Janelle's on couch icing her leg...she banged it in the veto comp.
Ali, sickly sweet: "Oh, your icing? You want some tylenol? You sure?"

Ali: "Ouch! That looks painful!" ==
Janey: "Battle wounds from a stupid comp"

Ali: "Well, at least we won't be having any more for a few days, they just gave us more food." (no food comp)
Ali: "You sure you don't want advil?" (sickly sweet)

Shouts from somewhere else. Apparently Boogie just got out of the shower buck naked and said, "Your going to see it sooner or later."

Veto Update

2:45HGTime... Janey won!! She has the Veto necklace next to her on the bed. Doesn't want to put it on cuz it still stinks from the competition. Kaysar just said to her "well, at least you're safe," to which she responded, "We're safe." Go Janey!
2:30HG Time.. details are coming out... something about being in a dumpster full of food... they all stink and are all showering... complaining of smelling of fish... no one is saying who won veto yet, but Janey, James and Kaysar all look happy. Danielle and Allison, definitely do not.


It's 2pm HGTime, and the feeds are still nothin but flames and music. Long friggin' veto comp! As soon as we know anything, you will too.

2:20pmHGTime - Game Over... Neither of the nominated women look happy.. still waiting for them to say something though...

By the way, if you don't have the feeds yet, what are you waiting for? I keep hearing from people who don't, and I'm just baffled by it. If you're one of them, take the 2 week free trial, and see what you've been missing!! Sheesh. Here's the link to get you going:

Click Here for SuperPass Live Feeds 24/7 - 2 Weeks Free

Botox Boy

Will quote of the day: "I recently just used a ton of botox, but seriously, how much expression do you really need?"


at least he's admitting it though...

The Veto Twist

We've been hearing the HGs talk about the twist to the Veto Competition, and here it is: Unlike the past,HoHs and nominees do NOT get to choose their partners to play for PoV, instead they will randomly draw names. Therefore the six-finger plan cannot work as it's possible the person you want out of the house will be chosen in the random draw to play, and possibly win, PoV.

At 1pm HGTime, the Veto comp began. Per usual, the feeds go dark for any actual competitions, but we'll hear all about it as soon as the HGs get back in the house, and the feeds come back on.


i was away from the feeds for a couple hours and am receiving conflicting reports on the veto comp situation. Some are saying Veto competition is over. Neither Danielle nor Allison won. Others that it hasn't happened at all yet. Please Check back soon for the real deal.

OK, as of 12:15pm HGtime, the Veto comp has NOT happened yet.

Also, if you miss any episode that airs on cbs, you can always watch it on-line by clicking here on Innertube. This link will also be available in our sidebar for whenever you need it. Lots of useful links over there on the left.. go check em out.

Mid Morning Report

Danielle and Nakomis are chatting on the feeds now. Nakomis had about an hour of alone time before Danielle came to join her. Did a little needlework after brushing her teeth, then went for a shower. So now it's mostly chatter with a bit of game talk thrown in, about the upcoming "random" veto challenge. Hmmmm...

a little FYI... Jase is not sleeping in the HoH room with Janelle. Could be a girlfriend edict - who knows. And...they made a deal last night whilst in the hot tub - If one of them wins PoV (power of veto), they get the room to themselves, and the loser cooks lunch for the winner for 3 days.

that's all.. everyone else is still sleepin'!

** Botox boy and his trusty sidekick Booger just woke up and joined the women in the kitchen. Hard to believe, but Botox boy can look worse than usual... not a pretty sight in the morning.

Good Morning!

Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass
Good Morning! It's 6am BB7 House time, and not a creature is stirring... not even a Rachel, although, whereever she is in the world, she's probably excercising and having a lovely conversation with herself or maybe her horses. Interesting to note that not a creature is snoring either. Seriously, how often can you possibly have 14 people together and no snorers? I would have pegged Chicken George as a snorer, for sure. Will too, just based on all of his hostility and aggression.

Anyhow, after all the excitement leading up to the premiere last night, I just about burnt myself out, and actually went to sleep before 3am - lol - a big brother first. I can almost guarantee you, this will not happen again. I actually missed seeing Kaysar in the Jacuzzi - if it ever happened, but I couldn't stay awake for anymore pool playing with Kaysar and Erika... and later Marcellas. What was that other game they were playing called? Duck?

From the feeds last night, it seems quite clear that Erika and Marcellas could both be swung very easily over to the Sovereign 4s voting block, which is great. I think they both need to make a strong alliance, and for the moment, they seem the best choices for the Season 6ers.

I was VERY proud of Janey last night for completely sticking it to.. oops! there goes a snorer now... gonna cycle through the cameras to find out who. My money's on the Chicken man... ok.. really hard to tell, but I think the buzz saw is actually Howie. OK, getting back to Janey - I was so proud of her last night for working her magic on Jase, and getting him to agree with her on the noms. Coulda just been dramatic editing, but it wasn't looking good for our Janey Girl! And excellent nominations too - very deserving.

Well done, Janey! Even though I'd personally like to see Dr Will gone as fast as possible, I think the choice of nomination was very smart for a couple of reasons:
1. It sends a big message that she is a player to be taken seriously.
2. It shows that manipulations, while clever on the basest level, will not necessarily work on the stronger players, and will be seen for the transparent attempts they are.
3. It opens up the door to "backdoor" Dr. Will, which is really how I'd like to see him go out - no respect at all.

Speaking of Dr. Will, there was quite a bit of talk last night between the HGs about Will and James, and who to vote out. So it really does seem like a backdoor ousting is in the works. I'm hoping and praying It'll be a Will ouster - I really can't even bear to look at him - to me, even beyond the botox, he looks like a wax replica of a man, and his snotty attitude just plain sucks.

More to come when someone wakes up! :) Thanks for reading... and commenting.. and everything!

Just as i posted this, Nakomis woke up, and it appears she's gonna stay that way, unlike Diane who got up to pee, and went back to bed. Nakomis is now on 2 feeds, brushing her teeth on the couch in the living room... Curious girl.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We made it!

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Well... we made it. And Janey made it!! Yayyyy. That's where the show left off... the confusing issue now is on the feeds a few times, I've heard people talking about James and Will, as if they're up for eviction... I must look into this further, but at the moment, after a day of blogging, adding tons of new myspace friends and trying to keep up with all the comments and emails, I'm too pooped to pop. K, my friend, I now understand how you lose messages...

Beyond thrilled that the Sovereign 4 made it into the house. Also very happy for Marcellas... can you even begin to imagine how bitter he would have been on HouseCalls had he not made it?! Will makes me ill, and I sincerely hope he gets back-doored out in the least respectful way. Not too thrilled with Boogie either... I think the pair of them would have been my ideal first nomination.

Thanks everyone for joining us. If for any reason you haven't gotten the live feeds yet, i strongly recommend doing so.. there are links all over this blog to get you there to the 2 weeks free. Hard to fathom how a BB fan could do the season with no feeds. It's like watching 1% of a show, and saying you're an afficionado.

An Anniversary

Ok, kids, with 35 minutes till showtime, and with all of us going a little nuts right now, I thought I'd take a moment to wish my partner in crime here, Carla, a Happy Anniversary! Our anniversary, that is. We met last year in the BB6 chat rooms on superpass, and we've remained friends, and really grown in our friendship ever since...

There are others from that chatroom I'd like to acknowledge as well (and frankly a couple I'd just as soon not - loonybins), and wish them Happy Anniversary, but without giving up their anonymity. So happy, happy, Ladies!! We made it a full year, and any moment now, we'll begin the 2nd season of our friendship together...

Hope you don't mind, but Carla and I have invited a few thousand cool folks we found on myspace along for the ride. :)

Here's to a great season of BB7 together!! May we all be here to celebrate the beginning of BB8 together as well!

2 hours 2 go!!



2 Questions:

1. What's one thing would you miss most if you were a HG?

2. What would you absolutely love about being an HG?

We love your feedback!! Please answer the survey questions by clicking on the comments here in the blog.

This just in...

In addition to the wonderful and talented Yana who'll be joining us in blogging, we're very proud to announce a weekly video segment called "What the Buck" that will premiere here on the blog next week. Buck cracks us up, and we know you're gonna love him! Here's a taste - Buck's BB7 picks and pans...

OMG.. can you even begin to fathom how much will have already happened by next week?!?!?

House Pics

Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass

Today's the Day!!! How psyched are we?! Today's also the best day to sign up for SuperPass and make the most of your 2 weeks free. In honor of the "blessed" event, here are a bunch of pics of the new house for your enjoyment. The couch doesn't look too comfy to me... and there's definitely an overwhelming feeling of hell in the new look... lol, Will should feel right at home.

Last but not least, can anyone figure out what on earth this is? Please leave a comment here on the blog, and let us know!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

***Spoiler Alert***
If you do not want to read the spoiler please click Community Post - Non-Spoiler!
Otherwise, proceed at your own've been warned!!!

In one of my earlier posts, I quoted Allison Grodner denying there would be 14 houseguest this season. I think she was throwing us a bone! Thanks to some dedicated BB fans, there are audio clips from inside the BB house from yesterday. I have listened and it seems clear that there are 14 houseguest! Eight guys and 6 girls:
Allison, Janelle, Diane, Danielle, Nakomis, Erika, Howie, "Chicken" George, Marcellas, Jase, James, Kaysar, Will, and Mike "Boogie". It also sound like there are two HOH's (Janelle and Jase) and they must agree on who to nominate or they will be on the block! I guess we will all find out tomorrow! Stay tuned!


Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass

On this eve of BB7, with only 21 hours to go before the live show and then.. the FEEDS!!!! ... we're busily adding friends to our new myspace site, and getting the greatest feedback. Thank you all so much!!

There is sooo much excitement out there, it is truly wonderful! Isn't it great we can all get together?!!?

I have dish... a very well known writer and interviewer has decided to join our ranks... even with as deep as my contacts go, this woman puts me to shame... I'm not sure yet if she'll be posting here as herself or incognito though, so I don't dare introduce just yet... Just know you will not be disappointed!

For those new to the blog, here's what you're gonna get here: Just like the name implies, we have all the dish, and what we don't have, we'll find. We're spicy and informative, and we favor fact over rumor. If we can't substantiate it, but everyone else is posting it like it's fact, we'll say so... It's about getting ahead of the game - not racing to post the most bs the fastest.

OK, something else you may not know... and I can't stress this enough - if you haven't signed up for the feeds yet, or you know anyone who hasn't, send em here, and make it count. We're donating 50% of the kickback we get from your signups to the favorite charities of the HGs. It's a commitment. How? Why? This blog isn't our job, it's our love and our hobby... we have other jobs that do quite fine, thank you very much. We're both quite committed to charitable giving, and this just seemed a perfect opportunity to do a bit more... Scroll down just a scosh for that handy link again...


Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass

OMG!! Let the addiction begin. Ya know you're jonesing when... You'll spend an hour listening to BB as a radio show... i.e., the live feeds were cut on for about an hour, and we're all lapping it up like the freaks we are. I'm listening to it as we speak... Seems things have already begun inside the house, and I mean REALLY begun.

Click up top on the BB Superpass banner, get yourself signed up NOW, tune in and turn on.

If you haven't heard the leaked audio yet, right click here: The Leak.

Consider this fair warning: After today, there will be spoilers on this blog, lots and lots of them. For those who do not want to see them, they will be clearly labeled as spoilers, both in title and in a color change... It's up to you to avoid them if they're not your thing.

I'm holding back like crazy right now... this is the final warning.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Advice to HGs

Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass

Advice to the HGs

As I wait impatiently for Thursday night to arrive, I've come up with a bit of advice for the HGs... A top 10 list, if you will. Left to my own devices, 1 through 10 would all read the same: Get rid of Dr. Will! Or at least some variation on that theme.

In the interest of your reading pleasure, I'll try to be a bit more creative, but if anyone wants to know how I really feel, it's pretty well summed up by: Get rid of Dr Will!!!

Oh, and just for the record, I do realize that they're the one's who've made allstars, not me, and that opinions are like ________... everybody's got one. Still, I can't resist.

10. Do not let Dr Will win HoH or Veto.

9. Remember that Dr Will is the biggest liar in BB history, and he will lie to you too.

8. If Howie wins HoH, make sure you frigging surround him, and don't let the other alliance anywhere near him. Ignore this at your own risk.

7. James will be winning the majority of the vetos... you better have more to rely on to insure your safety.

6. Use the monitor in the HoH room! (Why did no one do this last year??)

5. All sheep must die - no repeat performances on that level, PLEASE! Lord, but they sucked.

4. James and Howie - make nice-nice. You'll need eachother for the next few months,
and it's foolish to think otherwise.

3. Don't vote Kaysar out - you'll just piss me off, and we'll all vote him back
in when/if we get the opportunity.

2. Sov 4, if you do all make it in, which If voting is fair, you will, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE win HoH and Vetos. As the only 4some to enter the house, you also enter with a tremendous target on your collective backside. Know it and Protect it!

1. Yup, you guessed it, Get rid of Dr Will!! Botox boy must go!! There is little more important. Do it as soon as humanly possible.


Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass

Houseguest candidates have been sequestered since June 30th; CBS plans lots of interactivity

The candidates for Big Brother 7 were sequestered starting June 30th. All 20 will not know the results of America’s vote until they’re told by Julie Chen to enter the house, but it’s unclear if that will happen live Thursday when the show airs, or beforehand, as is usually the case.

Meanwhile, in advance of Thursday's premiere, CBS has unveiled a whole bunch of new ways to keep up with every backstab and all the manipulation. For starters, every episode will be available online for free the day after it airs. And, of course, there are the live feeds, available with Real’s SuperPass, which has a 14 day free trial and otherwise costs $14.99 per month. Click on any of our links to sign up, and make a difference in doing so.

This year, CBS is also pushing a “Big Brother Mobile Pack.” For the first time, you won’t have to sit in front of your computer to monitor the hamsters’ every move. Subscribers to the “Big Brother Mobile Pack” will receive “video clips, photos, live breaking house alerts and daily insider summaries on their cell phones.” Thus, there is no longer any excuse for not knowing what’s going on inside the house 24 hours a day, seven days a week—unless, of course, you actually want to have a life for the next three months.

I'm gonna take a pass on that one... but I'll be there for the feeds. :)

Monday, July 03, 2006

CBS: BB7 Free Re-Broadcasts

Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass

CBS has announced that for the first time in Big Brother's seven seasons, all of
this summer's Big Brother 7: All-Stars episodes will be available for free
viewing via

Beginning the morning after it airs on CBS, each Big Brother 7: All-Stars
episode will be available for free online viewing via "innertube,"'s new
recently launched broadband channel. Each Big Brother 7: All-Stars episode will
remain archived on innertube and available for free viewing throughout the
show's entire summer broadcast run.

The decision to release Big Brother 7: All-Stars' episodes for free Internet
streaming represents a new milestone in CBS's online strategy. After initially
partnering with Google Video to make individual episodes of CSI, NCIS, and
Survivor and some older programming available for online purchase and download
late last year and then, earlier this year, beginning to make paid Survivor
downloads available via, the network announced in early June that it
would begin making episodes of CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, NCIS, NUMB3RS, and
Survivor available for download and purchase via Apple's iTunes Music Store.
innertube, launched earlier this spring after the network already partnered
with Google's video service and begun offering Survivor episodes of purchase via, had thus far focused on focused offering free streams of new original
Internet programs and supplemental programming like behind-the-scenes features
and interviews. Big Brother 7: All-Stars will be the first CBS primetime
television program to be available in its entirety on innertube. According to
CBS's initial innertube announcement, streaming encores of other CBS primetime
programming is expected to be made available via the online broadband channel in
the coming months.

While Big Brother 7: All-Stars' broadcast episodes will be available for free
online streaming, the network won't be extending that policy to the show's
non-broadcast video content -- as they have in previous seasons, the show's live
Internet feeds will remain available by paid subscription only. Just like in
previous years, CBS -- in a rather futile attempt to prevent live feed viewers
from discovering Big Brother happenings before they are broadcast in primetime
-- will continue to "block or delay... a limited number of real-time events that
transpire in the house."

Also new to this year's interactive offerings is the "Big Brother Mobile Pack,"
a mobile subscription package that will allow Big Brother viewers to receive
video clips, photos, live breaking house alerts and daily insider summaries on
their cell phones.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Watch Big Brother All Stars 24/7 on SuperPass

Greetings from the land of torturous dial-up internet, where I'll be languishing till Wednesday when the broadband folk get back to work - I'm dyin' here! And still, I post. If this isn't love for my readers, I don't know what is.

First things first, I wish you a happy and safe 4th of July. As you celebrate your independence over hotdogs, parades, beer and fireworks, take a moment to appreciate the fact that you've just voted someone you like/care about/love/admire/etc. into a situation with ZERO independence - save free thought, and sometimes even that is questionable.

Did they want to be there? Yes, absolutely. It's worth 1/2 a million dollars to them to give up their freedom - to be trapped in a sound stage (house) for a few months with their every move scrutinized by us, the live feed viewing audience.

Everyone around them is wishing for their demise - alliance or not - everyone wants to win, ultimately, so by extension, everyone wants the other to lose. And we love to watch them, but would we trade places with them? I'm really curious, readers. Would you give up every shred of privacy and independence for a chance at the prize? Given the chance, would you?

I look forward to your comments.

And have a great 4th!

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